Earn Money Noise.cash as an earning platform


Active member
Created an account on noise.cash and was reading an article on how it actually worked. Noise.cash I came to realize was an earning platformed where you get paid into your bitcoin cash wallet for posting posts about any field of interest. You get tipped by users and that's how your earn. What I don't quite understand are the channels and the comments. Are comments also tipped or is it only about the posts?
I checked recently into it but I wa told tjsg the site is currently under maintenance and it hasn't been lifted ever since. I see potential in the site. I just hope hasn't get crashed like the others did.
The sites really needs a lot of understanding to earn from as i have come across channels with many subscribers but they still haven't bren tipped. Maybe it ain't really about the tipps. Is anyone into noise.cash here?
I'll like to gain more insight about it.
I have account wit noise but I don't do it. I only created the account because I helped someone to have a referral. I don t like how it works. You can only get paid if someone tips your comment. You may write as long or interesting as you like. If you no tips it, you earn nothing.
It is a good site to make cool cash (Bitcoin cash to be precise). However, in order to earn from this site, you need to be very active on the platform, you need to post a lot of content and also tip a lot of content. If you manage to get popular and share interesting content you can earn