The healthy foods and drinks versus the cheat day


VIP Contributor
I like this topic because it is part of our everyday living. The healthy food and drinks need not be so strict as to suffocate us. My point is to have the enjoyment of eating and not be focused on the health aspect all the time.

Anyway, we have to eat vegetables and fish plus some meat of pork, beef and chicken. With the drinks fruit juice is good and milk as well. Diary products like egg and cheese are also nutritious to eat. So where does the pizza come in? That is what you call cheat day. When we crave for food that is not in the nutritious list then we can only have it during our cheat day which can be once a week or even twice a month which is better.
I tried using this method for my weight loss journey but it wasn’t easy for me. Some cheat days can turn a disaster and you can even gain a pound. Because you might go over-board with it, Eating everything you see. So I rather eat everything but in small portion and it better for me
I do not try any kind of dieting, I eat regular meals every day and I do not have a cheat day. However, I try to eat healthy food. I try to balance my food with a low-calorie diet vs. a high-calorie diet. For example, if I ate a high-calorie diet the other day, the next day I will skill meal or try a low-calorie diet. I also eat a lot of vegetables.
I like a lot of vegetable with beef but personally I do not like eating pork because I believe it is a meat that contains a lot of fat and the fats may not even be suitable for human consumption. Fruit and vegetables is always my favourite diet almost all the time
Because I consider it as the best.