Can Diabetics drink Milk?


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Milk is seen as a healthy beverage along with many important foods that are essential for our body. It is because milk contains many good elements that our body needs. However, these days there are many variations in milk production.

Because of this some people are afraid to consume milk as before. In general, there is a notion that some people cannot digest the lactose present in the milk. However, the human body develops the ability to automatically digest lactose.

Thus most people are able to consume milk throughout their life without having any problem. However, there is also a misconception or fear that diabetes can occur if you drink milk regularly though, doctors say that milk actually benefits diabetes.


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I think it can be taken by those with diabetics but it should be taken in little quantity. Like I used to say a lot of things are good for the body but when you take excess of it, it becomes a problem. I like skim milk since it is a lot healthier


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When people have diabetes ,one of the things they should try to avoid as much as possible is too much of sugar because it will increase their blood sugar . So personally I don't think it is a crime for diabetic people to consume milk but there should be careful not to add so much sugar to the milk they are consuming because that may not actually be the best.