How can i do keyword research?


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Keywords research is one of the most important thing in blogging and I'm surprised that most bloggers who has blogs don't even know what keyword research is and I'm here to make it clear keyword research doesn't mean key or anything it simply means that the title or the focus on what you want to write for you can't just go to your blog and write whatever you like it's not going to work and Google my not even index the post if your blog is new and you have a low da (domain authority) I will suggest that you post content which has a low competition with high search volume because with that you can rank on a first page on either Google search or Bing.

You might be wondering how you can do keyword research and I'm here to also provide that information for you you can do keyword research on your phone by using keyword tools there are many websites which you can use as keyword tools websites like semrush are accurate when it comes to giving you keyword to use make sure you use this keyword in your post and title and write a full SEO content.