Effect of too much salt


Active member
Eating too much of salt can call a short-term consequences like water retention you can notice bloated than usual and this happens because your kidney want to maintain a specific sodium to water in your body so when there is increase and water retention it can lead to swelling especially in your hands and feet.

It can also cause rise in blood pressure as it causes a larger blood volume to flow through the blood vessels and arteries which can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure.

Too much of salt intake can make you to be very thirst which will encourage you that you to drink enough water to correct the sodium water ratio which might actually make you urinate than usual.

There are also some long-term effects of consuming too much salt like increasing your stomach cancer and it will also have effects and risk of heart disease and premature death.
So this too much of salt can have a range of effects on our health so we should make sure that will monitor the sugar intake that we consume daily so as to avoid any health issues like this so that we can be able to live a healthy life.
I actually once used about 100-200 grams of salt in a drink as part of a competition. Not very smart, but peer pressure will make you do stupid things. Long story short, the result was an abrupt expulsion of salt, the drink, and what was left of my lunch into the nearest container about 5 minutes after consumption. The body is very good at recognizing when you've eaten something you shouldn't have and will correct it as soon as possible.