What are some of the greatest marketing disasters in history?


Great marketing disasters are hard to ignore, but they're also hard to forget. There are a lot of marketing disasters in history, and we're going to look at some of them.

1) The Great Depression. In the 1930s, people were starving and homeless due to the economic crash. They didn't have money to spend on products that were advertised on TV or radio. so companies had no choice but to stop advertising.

2) The Great Recession. This was another economic disaster caused by over-spending on credit cards, which led to a financial crisis when people couldn't pay off their debts. It also led to fewer jobs being available for new graduates looking for work, which hurt the economy even further!

3) The dot-com bubble burst in 2000-2001 when many companies went bankrupt after investing too much money into Internet startups (like Google). This was due largely because many companies had borrowed money from investors who thought they would make money quickly without having any idea how difficult it would be for those companies actually succeed financially once they got started doing business online instead of offline like traditional brick-and-mortar stores do today."