Side effect of cocaine


Verified member
1. Chest pain
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Bloody nose
4. Abnormal heart rhythms
5. Abdominal pain
6. Dizziness
7. Stiffness in the back or spine
8. Nausea
9. Restlessness or anxiety
10. Tremor
11. Diarrhea
12. Low blood pressure
In some causes cocaine might lead to death due to the harm that it has cause to the health because it damages the lung by causing internal bleeding or asthma and it can also lead to loss of smell
It increases the risk of nervous system disorder and those that use overdose of this cocaine do havy difficulty in breathing, their skin turns gray or blue, the fingernails and lips will also be darken and it can also make them to be unconscious or can also cause snoring noises from throat while sleeping


Active member
There is no any health benefits that cocaine does to the body it only endangers the health by causing different kinds of diseases to the body


Active member
Cocaine is not good for the health it only endangers humans well being by causes series of diseases to the body


Active member
Side effect of cocaine is very bad it can make someone mad,taking cocaine can lead to premature death and cause bad breath, endanger the health,use of overdose cocaine can cause sudden death due to bad breath but some people are consuming cocaine and alcohol together which is very harmful to health


Active member
Cocaine causes damage in the lung, heart and kidney and other part of the body as well which can even lead to death


Active member
Cocaine addiction causes a lot of harm to the health it shorten life span by causing different kinds of chronic diseases to the body


Active member
1. Chest pain
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Bloody nose
4. Abnormal heart rhythms
5. Abdominal pain
6. Dizziness
7. Stiffness in the back or spine
8. Nausea
9. Restlessness or anxiety
10. Tremor
11. Diarrhea
12. Low blood pressure
In some causes cocaine might lead to death due to the harm that it has cause to the health because it damages the lung by causing internal bleeding or asthma and it can also lead to loss of smell
It increases the risk of nervous system disorder and those that use overdose of this cocaine do havy difficulty in breathing, their skin turns gray or blue, the fingernails and lips will also be darken and it can also make them to be unconscious or can also cause snoring noises from throat while sleeping
All what you said are the truth because cocaine causes a lot of diseases to the body


Active member
Cocaine addiction is not good as it makes the person not to be in a normal state and it also destroy organs in the body


VIP Contributor
Cocaine is one of the hard substance that we need to run away from. This is because it does not do the body any good. Though there are some instances where doctors use Cocaine to induce sleep may be because of some painful operation. But it is not to be abused.


Active member
Those that are there with all this cocaine do have a lot of health issues they are not always healthy they always develop different kind of diseases in the body


Uses of cocaine can make someone run mad and behave abnormal because of the high cocaine in the body


Active member
Cocaine causes harm to the health which endangers the health which can lead to death it is advisable to abstain from all this cocaine stuff to prevent health issues


Verified member
Nice info as you said Cocaine is very bad for the body its true because cocaine is a very harmful product which is not supposed to be produced because it can affect and damage the causes heart failure and attack kidney problem and other dangerous disease so don't use cocaine it's bad for the health