Is money the root of all evil?

Money is a unit of exchange, it can be in the form of coins, pebbles, bank notes, etc. Most of the the bad things happening in the world today is cause by the quest of hungry money looking people. The fight to make money has made people indulge in so many illicit activities that the society has frowned on. We were made to believe that the more money we make, the more society recognises us. Indeed, the bad things going on today has been linked to people who are searching for materialistic things in order to make enough, we defined wealth has having enough and in search of "enough" people indulge in robbery, kidnapping, prostitution, drug trafficking and other inhumane activities. Can we really blame money for the evil it has caused? Even the holy books does not say money is evil, nor does it identify money as the underlying cause of all the bad things happening today, this is a misquoted verse in the Bible which says that "the love of money is the root of all evil" ( can be found in 1 Timothy 6:10). Money can be used wisely and even worked for wisely other than using illegal means. The love of money makes one so disturbed that one can opt in to anything illegal without thinking twice about the repercussions. The greedy often abandon good principles in their effort to make money. Trendrians, in everything we do, every hustle we make, let us try to make it a good one. Don't feel tempted into doing illegal things just for the love of money, follow the right path and your struggles will pay.
Bible says that"money is the root of all evil".Well,the bible is correct because so many people develop evil ideas and thoughts on their mind because of money.Most people kill for money, that's why it's true that, Money is the root of all evil.

At the same time, money is very helpful,if you don't find evil ways to earn money.Having a legitimate way to make money makes that saying "Money is the root to all evil" wrong.
Bible says that"money is the root of all evil".Well,the bible is correct because so many people develop evil ideas and thoughts on their mind because of money.Most people kill for money, that's why it's true that, Money is the root of all evil.

At the same time, money is very helpful,if you don't find evil ways to earn money.Having a legitimate way to make money makes that saying "Money is the root to all evil" wrong.
But according to the Bible (KJV) it reads "the love of money is the root of all evil". This clearly states that when one has the spirit of greedy, he/she can do anything just to make money. We misquoted the verse. This is something we can find in KJV if you have one, you can check it out. I do agree with you though.
Even the Holy Bible and the holy Quran are in support to the fact that money is The Root of all evil . But yet money is seen today as a basic tool for human survival , money today exist as a result of human beings trying to satisfy their numerous wants and need , money exist in the form of note , pebbles ,coins , cheques , gold , and diamonds etc . But why is money The Root of all evil ? . To answer that question correctly let us remember that not everyone today is opportune to have a lot of money , in other words not everyone is blessed with the ability to create legit business strategies in order to earn tons of money .
And so , in order to join the wealthy men and women gang a lot of people have stabbed themselves with many pains just to earn money . They kill people , defraud , steal bribe , embezzle , and solicit money which we're basically not meant for their own consumption in order to acquire wealth .

The evil money has caused in the world is said not to end anytime soon , it will continue until the end of this system of things is done away with .
People tend to misunderstand this issue, if money where to be the root of evil the God would not say he would teach us how to make wealth in the bible, why teach us how to make something that is evil? He also said he would bless the works of our hands, meaning whatever we decide to do, he is willing and ready to bless us. Money is not the root of all evil, rather it is the love of money. There are so many persons today who are willing to go through any length just to make money.

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