Is money really the root of all evil??


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When I was growing up I remember hearing an adage which says that money is the root of all evil I grew up trying to understand the meaning of this word and my mind always diverts the meanings of other things when I try to know the meaning but I think as I'm going up now beginning to understand demeaning of it as I think what's the mean is that when you love money too much it becomes a problem there are many people who wants to make money easily and this has brought many problems to the Allies because they are taking steps which they are not supposed to take just to make money.

Money is the root of all evil this means that all the calamities happening in our society today is because of money where I come from people are kidnapped just to do money rituals in order for them to get rich quick this is a very bad thing we should not just over money as money comes When God says it will come we shouldn't Chase what is not chasing us the Love of Money really is the root of all evil we should learn to be patient so what do you understand about this adage


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Money is not the root of all evils. Take raping for example. Raping can be defined as force sexual intercourse.. How much do those who commit raping earn as salary or wages. They rape women or girls for enjoyment not for money. Therefore the love for money is not the root of all evils.


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If making money or having money is the root of all evil, then what is the root of all kindness? See, there is no yardstick when it comes to measuring the causes of evil or not. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why those involved in some of these supernatural act, I mean the ones that help others to do evil, they never progress in life yet they would deceive people into committing atrocities which they cannot although they serve as a tool.

Evil has to do with the mind and not because of money, I have seen rich people, who were born with a silver spoon who are very tyrant in nature and also lenient ones and also poor people who are very ride and sadist to even the children they claim to birth. I have experiences so many things, and come to the conclusion that, money is not the root of all evil but the heart of man. When someone heart is fixed on doing something bad, whether there is money involved or not, until the person does it, he or she would not have a good peace of mind. We need to stop blaming everything on money.


New member
I think money is not evil or saint. It depends from person to person or situation. Like as some people earn money in good ways and do good things with their money. some people do a treble thing to make money.


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Money is considered "the root of all evil," but is that really true? To begin, it's important to note that this phrase is often misquoted. The original phrase from the Bible's First Epistle to Timothy is actually: “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”

Money itself is not evil. Rather, money can lead to evil behaviors when we let it become a priority over other things—like our faith, our family, or our community. It's easy to see how this could happen in our world. A lot of us are working hard at jobs where we feel underpaid and underappreciated, and we want more for ourselves and our family. We can be tempted by the idea of "keeping up with the Joneses" getting more stuff because we see somebody else has more stuff than we do. And then we can start feeling resentful and angry toward that person who has more stuff, rather than grateful for what we have.

We all want better lives for ourselves and for those around us. But if we aren't careful about how much power we give money over our lives, it can bring or lead to all kinds of evil.


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Money is the root of all evil so been poor is holy? Money itself is not the root of all evil but the way you make your money determine if it is the root of all evil or not. Many people make money in bad ways that make money evil but money itself is not evil and is a good thing that we can never live without it. Some times we misquote some interpretations. We understand things in our own way which is not the actual meaning of the thing

We all use money and we all carry money in our wallet, pocket or in our purses so the question is we know that money is the root of all evil and we are still carrying evil in our pockets and in our wallets? Thinking about this is some not understandable because we can't carry evil in our pockets and move around with evil.


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If money is the root all evil, then poverty is the root of what? We should not be believing some kind of quotes that will just make us not have the zeal to make money. I just get to know that those religious leaders preach to suit their selfish interest.

The quote is gotten from the book of Timothy when the apostle Paul was advising him. What he said is that the love for money is the root of all evil. People know that and that's the truth. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon didn't ask for much money neither did he pray for poverty. What does that mean to you? We should work for money, love money but not excess love.

It is not uncommon to see different things especially dirty things that people do involve in just to make money. Some kidnap, some kill, some even sleep with animals just to make money. These set of people love money in excess. They don't work for value but they are working for money.

I do tell people that we should not be working ourselves out for money. We need more of working for value more than working for money lest we die working for money.