Important skills a business manager must possess.


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It is absolutely necessary for a business manager or a business owner to possess certain skills. We can best define a business manager as an individual that possess managerial skills however this managerial skills may differ from one kind of business manager to the other kind of business manager. But actually they are some skills they need to be existed in a business managers attributes. Example the skill of creativity must definitely be visibly seen, in a business managers accolades. Creativity helps a business manager to effectively make out ways and strategies to boost the business output and productivity even in the face of competitors and business rivals. Computers and businessman was definitely affect a business in a whole manner of ways. However for businesses to improve in their marketing aspect and also make expected and planned profit and income the manager of such business must definitely be creative to formulate ways to boost business marketing processes.

Secondly a business manager must definitely be a hard-working and a risk-taking kind of individual. A business manager is definitely an entrepreneur who is not only skilled in the creative aspect but also skilled in giving into the business his or her all, thereby making sure that the business only partake only on calculated risk. The industrious and hard-working attitude of a business manager, should absolutely make him or her never pressure his or her employees but rather get to know their abilities and capabilities.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Indeed there are some skills the business owner of the business manager must definitely possess if he or she want to stand the chance to be employed as a manager in his or her dream business organisation. Most importantly the business manager should be creative and creativity can definitely help him or her in areas where the business is facing problems and situations that is been brought about by increased number of competitors and rivals. Business competitors on rebels can definitely lower the rate in which a particular business organisation can grow and develop adequate for such business to grow and to develop in the right acceptable time it has to monitor and also place a high level of creativity in formulating other ways to market business competitors on rebels can definitely lower the rate in which a particular business organisation can grow and develop available for such business to grow and to develop in the right acceptable time it has to monitor and also place a high level of creativity in formulating other ways to market business goods and services to members of the public.


Making effective business decision making is absolutely not an easy activity for various business managers. For a business manager to effectively make good and effective business decision-making such business manager need to be skilled with the quality of creativity. Creativity point out to be one of the most paramount and mandatory quality and attributes a business manager must definitely possess. With a business managers quality of creativity he or she will be able to formulate other ways of boosting business output and boosting business profit instead of depending only on the physical selling and rendering of the business goods and services to customers and clients which in most situations and conditioning could be highly ineffective especially in cases where the business is facing competitors and business rivals.

A business manager need to also be hardworking and industrious. He or she must father be hardworking and industrious in calculating risk in which the business may possibly face and make sure that the business does not face negative repercussions after partaking on a particular kind of action.