How fasting maintain your body health?


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As we all know that fasting is the willing reduction of food for some time. Especially Muslim people keep fasting in Ramadan due to their religious reasons. But the question is that how fasting makes our body healthy and fit .In this thread i will tell the benefits of fasting.Firstly we should know that there are two types of fasting the one is short term fasting and the other is long term fasting. The short term fasting offers many health benefits for example it burns the fat and reduce your weight especially when your stomach is empty ,the process of releasing the toxins from your body is fasten as compared to when a food is present .In addition, it also protect your body from many dieases it helps to control your bolld pressure also .But it is also essential or necessary that the fasting is done in a healthy way so that you will not face any kinf or body weakness or muscle fatigue. Fasting controls your blood sugar levels and protects your body from obesity or from metabolic disease .Beside this it also maintains your overall fitness so we should make a habit to keep a fast at least at one day in a weak .
I do some intermittent fasting during my weight loss journey and it has always helped me reduce weight. if you can restrict food for the body from time to time I know it can keep the body healthy.
Been obese or overweight comes with myraids of sicknesses which includes diabetes and high blood pressure, so fasting can help one reduce intake of calories which makes one gains pounds daily.

Again, fasting would make the body light and active. Food when taken in excess like some people do, it would make the body very dull so working becomes a chore. but basically, fasting is good for the body but it shouldn't be a prolonged one. if one can just go about once or twice a week it will suffice.
I may agree that fasting can help you lose weight but I cannot agree that fasting is good for the health. However, there is the so called natural fasting that is having no food over the night during sleeping hours. When you wake up in the morning you take breakfast. That food means you are breaking the fasting which means you were fasting over the night. For fasting like missing a meal it may cause your stomach to produce acid. Most of the women I know who practiced fasting had suffered an issue in the digestive system. In fact, my youngest sister vomited blood due to excessive fasting that her digestive system had an imbalance. She landed in the hospital and had to be treated for a week. For a better health I recommend a regular eating of food on the hour every day. If you will miss your dinner due to fasting always observe if there is no unusual feeling in your stomach. When there is slight pain then it may be the production of excessive acid.