Here’s Why You Should Say No To Fad Diets!


Fad diets are everywhere. They promise quick weight loss, but they don't work as well as you might hope. In fact, some studies have found that fad diets can actually be more harmful than helpful.

Here are reasons not to follow fad diets.

1. They Don't Really Work

Fad diets don't work because they're based on a flawed premise: that weight loss is caused by calorie restriction.The theory behind this is that you may lose weight by consuming less calories than your body requires to operate. Unfortunately, this isn't true you can eat as many calories as you'd like and still gain weight and stay overweight.

2. They Can Be Dangerous

If you go on a fad diet and don't adjust your eating habits after losing weight, you may be setting yourself up for a health crisis later down the road. This is because your body will now be deprived of essential nutrients that are needed to keep it healthy and functioning properly and without these nutrients, your metabolism will slow down or even stop working altogether (which can lead to serious health problems).