Is Money Everything? Here’s Why You Should Care About It


Money is everything.

It's a simple statement that's hard to argue with, but it doesn't mean you should be spending all of your time thinking about money. There are other things that are just as important and impactful in life and they don't require much money at all.

So what IS money? It's something that we use to buy things (or services), but it's not the only thing we need to survive. Money can be spent on things like food, shelter and clothing, but it also has an impact on our mental health and well-being.

When we think about money as an abstract concept, it can be easy for us to forget how important it really is! That's why we've created this list of easons why you should care about money when thinking about your future:

1. It helps you live a better life. When you have more money, you can afford to eat out more often, buy things that make your life easier and more fun, and take vacations when they're warranted. You can also save up to buy things like a house or car and then use that money to invest in something bigger later on!

2. Money helps you make better decisions. If you have more money than you need right now, then it's easier for you to invest in something that will grow with time (like stocks). This kind of investing isn't always easy or intuitive; it requires some forethought and planning on your part. But once you've learned how it works and once your investments are working well. you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of knowing where all of your money is going!