Is Money Everything? Here’s Why You Should Care About It


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Is money everything? Sure, it's a big part of life. But it's also just one part of a much larger picture: the picture of all the things you'll be able to do with your life and all the people you'll be able to help when you have more.

When I was in school, I learned about the "three pillars" of success: hard work, determination, and perseverance. Money is clearly one of those three things. If you don't have enough money, it's going to keep you from doing all the amazing things that money can buy and it will make it harder for you to pursue your dreams if they require some extra cash.

So even though having more money is an important factor in your success as an adult, don't get too wrapped up in how much you have or how much bigger than other people's bank accounts yours is that's not what being successful means! Instead, focus on making sure that your finances are in order so that when something comes along like an unexpected expense or a raise at work (or whatever might happen), you'll be prepared for it and won't have any problems getting by.