Does having cars and houses proof that one have money


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In many countries which include our country as well, having money is generalize base on having cars and other asset, they are people who have money but don't show off one would not know until they are being surveyed, most people waste their money on acquiring cars and houses though having this asset is not bad but when one has too much asset and still don't have a strong finance to provide basic needs for himself and family he might be describe as foolish, because of spending money on asset that are not valuable to him.

One also need to be away of the level he spend his money if he spend too much without studying or viewing his savings he may spend more than expected and as a result lead to his down fall either losing his business or assets. Spending should be base on important items or material that bring improvement and development in our life not the other way round.

At most times having cars and other assets proof one to be wealthy this is as a result of hard work he played, and it reap into something useful, as human we seek to have more and having more means showing off our asset in a large way so that others could see how progressive we are an this has move many to work hard too in order to acquire same.


Valued Contributor
Well as for me I think having cars and houses is a sign of wealth: you have money.
Can a poor man build houses or buy cars? Of course no so anytime you see a person with these you know that he or she is rich and probably wealthy.
Though as you said not anyone without cars and houses is poor or not rich but one thing that is for sure is that no poor man can afford building houses and buying cars.
A lot of rich people may not know what to do with the abundant wealth and so make sure they lavish themselves with all these stuff and you may see it as a waste of resources, buy you poverty state is what instigates that kind of thought.
So as for me I think that yes cars and houses show that someone is rich but lack of it does not show that one isn't rich.


VIP Contributor
It depends on so many things , there are some situations in which a person may have a car not necessarily because the person is rich but it is because the person need convenient, maybe to take the children to the school and for carrying out other business-related activities. In situations like this it will be much more easier to have a car to be able to carry out these activities effectively and may not likely be as a result of the fact that you are rich .

But at the same time being able to afford a car and maintaining it perfectly is a sign that at least you are financially stable to some extent. But that does not mean that you will not want to earn more money. Having a car and a building at the same time is a sign that you are financially stable and not necessarily mean you are Rich.


Active member
It surely depends,but the primary source is yes you have money,so far you were able to buy cars and houses,means you are financially kind of stable, but on a second thought some people buy all those for show off, living extravagant life and all that. We know to afford a car is not a little money,talk more of houses,that person may have been saving up just to acquire such wealth for his or her own benefits but it doesn't necessary means they have money. Like my uncle for instance,he has a car and a personal house he lives in with his family but no outsiders know he is struggling to have 2 square meals. That's why it's also good to struggle and acquire such things because when things go south with you,you won't bother about house rents, when we all know house rents are one of the huge bills we spent our income on.

So having cars and houses doesn't prove one has money.


Verified member
As far as I am concerned I recognize the one who have cars and houses to be having money. This is because owning and maintaining the cost of cars it requires one to have a lot of money. Also one cannot own houses if that person is broke. Bearing in mind the cost of land and construction of a house is very high, then the person that have the capabilities to owning two or three Houses is considered to be rich in most cases.