Benefits of Exercise


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Time is running really fast in the present era and finding even 40 minutes for your health is indeed really hard. Most of the people in the present times are so busy with their jobs and making money that they do not have time for their health. This is why the management of your schedule is very important. You must create a schedule and diligently follow it. If you have a time set for your job (or any other activity that involves making money), then I think you should not do exercise in that time period. If you plan to exercise at a particular time, then you must not work at that time. People who follow a strict schedule are more likely to succeed in their lives.

I have made a schedule and I am also planning some other healthy activities such as meditating and reading the Holy Islamic scriptures that could also provide benefits for the health. I will also be joining gym sooner and it would be great to workout for at least 30 minutes. Some studies have claimed that you must exercise for at least a few minutes and being activities for even a few minutes could also provide you with numerous health benefits.
I totally agree with you here. It need not be an elaborate exercise everyday. But one can always find few minutes..20-30 minutes in 24 hours to exercise. And as I mentioned few choices in daily life like walking to nearby stores and not driving there, using stairs instead of lift etc can work for those few minutes of exercise on a regular basis.
It's good to know that you are being aware kf good health. Meditation and such readings are a good way to strengthen your vagus nerve. Vagus nerve is important for sympathetic an parasympathetic system. And they are vital for a good health. You are on a right path for a holistic health.


Verified member
Benefits of exercise is what to discuss and start to follow it up. Benefits of exercise in the body especially early in the morning. This will burns high level of cholesterol that affecting body metabolism. It also helps cartilage and bones to function very well,body system will be massage to give optimum activity.
Morning is suggested to be the most effective time for exercising especially if one is looking forward to loosing weight. We wake up fron our slumber and so to warm up our body with any exercise would consume more calories than it would do at any other time. But if a person is not able to fit exercise in morning regime, he can do it at anytime during the day as per the convenience. Certain rules are to be followed like a suitable gap after meal and the right technique for the exercise.


Valued Contributor
Doing exercise on a daily basis is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. People who exercise daily are less likely to get sick and more likely to live longer lives. Exercise allows you to have a good health.

Exercise also improves your mental health and general sense of well-being. It is important that exercise is part of the lives of children, adults and the elderly. Exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. You can find ways to stay active.

Find things that fit into your daily routine, such as walking. If you've never exercised or haven't exercised in a while, you have to get started. Physical activity is important to maintain a healthy body weight and is even beneficial during pregnancy.
Hi. Hope you are doing well. Thank you for your nice post. I fully agree with everything you mention in your post about exercise. It is very important to exercise on a daily basis if you want to be healthy. Walking is a very good exercise. For short distances, you can go on foot instead of using your car or the bus. In this way, you can be fit and not put weight.

Unfortunately, today people do not exercise. They sit for many hours in front of their computer or television eating unhealthy food like sweets and fast food. They are too lazy to exercise. As a result, they put on weight and they have several health problems.

People should understand how important exercise is and start exercising now. Even simple walking, as I mentioned above, is one of the best forms of exercise. If you combine regular exercise with a healthy, balanced diet, then you will be fit and strong.


VIP Contributor
Exercising regularly can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other life-threatening conditions. It can also help you lose weight and control stress, improve your memory and increase your self-esteem.

Studies have shown that a consistent exercise program is a vital part of any healthy lifestyle. Increased strength, endurance and flexibility lead to a decrease in injury risk and pain, increased energy levels, better sleep quality overall well-being. Exercise can be done at any age and level of fitness, whether walking, jogging, yoga or weightlifting. You should do this for at least 20 minutes every day . you won't regret it.


New member
Regular exercise is beneficial for you and can help you lose weight, as we've all heard many times before. You can begin softly and gradually include more physical exercise into your daily routine.

Exercise has several health advantages. Regular physical activity and exercise can help you:

Assist you in maintaining a healthy weight:

Exercise, in addition to food, is critical for weight management and obesity prevention.

Reduce your chances of developing heart disease:

Exercise promotes circulation and strengthens the heart.

Assist your body in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels:

Exercise can help your insulin work better and lower your blood sugar levels.

Boost your mental well-being and mood:

Your body releases chemicals during exercise that can enhance your mood and help you feel calmer.

Assist you in quitting smoking:

Exercise can help you stop smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Boost your chances of living a longer life:

Physical activity has been shown in studies to lower the chance of dying young from common causes of mortality, such as heart disease and several malignancies.

Improve your sleeping habits:

Exercise can assist you in falling asleep more quickly and staying asleep longer.

I learned this both conceptually and practically from an Iron Orr Fitness personal trainer that is always ready to assist you with any sort of body transformation through a professional fitness evaluation.


Verified member
I had a casual conversation lately with one of my close friends. I am into exercise and I am very regular with it. She is just the opposite. She hardly has any physical activity in her daily life. She is overweight and has developed few problems because of that. She had an argument that exercise is overhyped in today's world. And it's just another business gimmick. Well, I can't totally dismiss that there is a lot of marketing around the health and fitness sector. But then I don't agree that the importance of exercise is overhyped. It was not discussed much in earlier times. The reason being that we led a life that involved a lot of physical work. Professions in earlier days like agriculture and field work involved a lot of muscle work. Household chores were manual and less dependent on machines. Life was active. But now we have moved mire towards sedentary lifestyle and sedentary professions. Our eating habits have changed. And we need to find separate time to exercise our body as we don't get a chance to do that in our daily lives. Everyone needs to understand that. We can't undermine the importance of exercise. It need not be rigrous workout. But choose a variety that suits you and helps you get the movement of all muscles, their strength and toning.