Health benefits of exercise


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Research has shown that excercise is not only good for the physical health but can also support emotional and mental health.

Below are a simple and precise list of what you stand to gain by excersizing your body:
  • Exercise helps to control your body weight. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain which is associated with some health conditions particularly heart conditions.
  • Exercise fights health conditions and diseases related to the circulatory system as the blood is active in circulation in your body during the act of exercise
  • Exercise improves mood and mental health
  • Exercise helps boosts energy
  • Exercise enhances better sleep
  • Exercise can be fun especially when it is carried out with friends and loved ones.
So, when next you wake up to go for exercise don't see it as a waste of your precious time. The gains you stand to obtain is inexhaustive. Infact this list is incomplete and can't be exhausted.

Your health is not my responsibility but yours to control!