Why people prefer to start business in an urban settlement


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If one look at the rural settlement we notice that business are scares, almost every one in the rural settlement go to farming few engage in buying and selling means of production. And this might at some time turn to monopoly method of selling goods, but this methods are not seen in urban business, the is usually competition between different sellers, sellers of a particular product may be in particular location at least five so with the presence of this one one is move to make progress in his business, most time some business we are engage in may not move well rural area because the people may think less of what you are selling, for example perfume, hair dealers because the thing move orderly, other hard work than taking care of their self.

In rural business expansion of a business to lager size may not come to ones mind because their aim is all about to make sale that use to feed their family,they think less on life pleasure.
There are a lot of advantages to starting a business in an urban area, but I think the ultimate reason people choose one of the two is their own personal preference.

Some people will rather take the slower and more calm, cheaper lifestyle of bring in the rural areas or they prefer the monopoly that they enjoy there.
For some, that sounds like a version of torture, as they can't stand to be in such an environment.

Ultimately, while businesses in the urban areas enjoy having a larger customer base, easy access to resources and can gain in various ways from their competition, there are also disadvantages.

The competition can become a major challenge and you have to pay more in taxes and expenses for running the same business can become higher, like rent and cost of transportation.

This is the opposite for those in rut areas, but they have less traffic for their products and enjoy fewer social amenities.

In the
Urban businesses are relatively more productive. In rural areas, you usually have a lower population than urban areas and moreso, people in rural areas mostly depend on locally produced and made products, therefore a business may not flourish as much as it will in an urban settlement.

In most rural areas, the majority of the populace are peasant farmers who are able to produce both food crops and animal products that people in urban areas will have to purchase since they do not produce it.

Talking about technology, the level of technological improvement in the urban areas cannot be compared to that in rural settlements. Using the media outlets available, businesses in urban areas can be able to advertise and even perform online transactions making the business coverage wide but this is not obtainable in some rural areas because such technological improvements are not available.

This still doesn't mean businesses in rural areas are not moving. There are specific businesses that are able to flourish in such places.
Urban area tend to enjoy more facilities that make people to prefer to stay there than rural area. Business is all about profit making and in order to make the profit you must be able to sell your products or services to the people that need them. The rate of turnover determine the level of one profit and to get high turnover the business must be cited in a well populated area that can generate that turnover.
Urban has better advantages in terms of population, social amenities, infrastructure etc than rural area. All these factors are what make business to grow and make the convenient for business.
There are some social amenity like power that must be available before some business can come and establish in that area.
Most of these factors like social amenities are not present in rural area to support business activities and because of that business owners will prefer to go and establish his or her business in the urban areas that coming to rural area to establish it. They see rural area as a place where they can't make back what they would have. Though there are still some business that we can do in rural and still make profit like selling of food stuff.