What are the disorders of gut?

Maria Javed

Active member
Diarrhea, constipation and ulcer are the most common disorders of gut.
First part
1. Diarrhea:
Diarrhea is a condition where a sufferer has frequenty watery , loose bowel movements . This condition may be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting . It occurs when required water is not absorbed in blood from colon.

The main cause of include lack of adequate safe water. Diarrhoea is also caused by viral or bacterial infection of large intestine.

If sufficient amount of water and food is available , the paitentof diarrhea recovers in a few days . However for malnourished individuals diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration and can become life threatening.
The treatment for diarrhea involves consuming adequate amounts of water (to replace the loss) , preferably mixed with essential salts and some amounts of nutrients . Antibiotics may be required if diarrhea is due to bacterial infection.

Preventions of diarrhea include taking clean water and essential salts , eating regularly and taking hygienic measures.

2. Constipation:
Constipation is a condition where a person experiences hard faeces that are difficult to eliminate.

The main cause of constipation include excessive absorption of water through colon , insufficient intake of dietary fiber, dehydration, use of medicines e.g containing iron, calcium and aluminum and tumors in rectum and anus .
Second part

Treatment of constipation:
Treatment of constipation is with a change in dietary and exercises habits . The medicines are called laxatives e.g paraffin are used for treatment .
Prevention :
Constipation is usually to prevent than to treat . One should take the required quantities of water and dietary fibres .

3. Ulcer :
Ulcer peptic sore is a sore in the inner wall of gut in oesophagus, in duodenum and stomach . In ulcer , the acidic gastric juice gradually breaks down the tissue of the inner wall. Ulcer of stomach is called gastric ulcers.

The causes of the ulcer include excess I acid, infection, long term use of the inflammatory medicines including aspirin , smoking , drinking coffee , colas and eating spicy foods.
The signs and symptoms of ulcer include abdomianl burning after meals or at midnight. Severe ulcers may cause abdominal pain, rush of saliva after an episode of regurgitation, nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Ulcer is treated with medicines, which neutralize the acidic affect of gastric juice. Spicy acidic foods and smoking should be preventive measures.
There are a number of different disorders that affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Some are more common than others, and some have greater impacts on the body but all of them can be treated with a variety of therapies and methods.

One of the most common disorders is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This condition is characterized by chronic abdominal pain and bloating, which may cause a person to feel anxious or depressed. IBS is not life-threatening, but it does require treatment for many people who suffer from it.

Another common disorder is celiac disease, which prevents gluten from being properly absorbed by the body. Celiac disease affects about 1% of Americans; however, it can cause significant damage if left untreated. Celiac disease can be identified through a blood test and then treated with medications such as a gluten-free diet and/or medication that helps reduce inflammation in the body.