Tooth cavities


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Tooth cavities are holes in teeth and when not treated causes infection, tooth extraction and toothaches. Tooth cavities can be caused by
1. Not brushing teeth properly causes tooth cavities
2. Sugary foods, drinks and starchy foods leaves bacteria in the mouth which can lead to cavities
3. Food, saliva, bacteria and acid mix together to form plaque which causes cavities as well
Tooth cavities can lead to
1. Bad breath
2. Toothache
3. Facial swelling
4. Redness inside the mouth
5. Gum disease like bleeding and other diseases in the gum
But we can also prevent this cavities by visiting the dentist twice in a year because the dentist use different instrument to examine the teeth and you can also do dental x-ray because x-ray shows the cavities clearly
Not brushing properly causes tooth cavities because the particles that stay in the teeth leads to bacteria which end up leading to holes in the teeth
Eating too much of sugary foods can also lead to cavities that is why it is good to brush Regularly so as to remove the particles from the teeth
Tooth ache or tooth cavities are mostly caused by improper care of the teeth we should always make sure we brush twice in a day to remove bacteria from the mouth
Proper brushing of teeth will prevent you from having tooth cavities and you can also use mouth wash to remove germs from the teeth and also prevent mouth odour
Tooth cavities can be prevented by brushing properly at least twice in a day i.e morning and night
It is a good thing to be taking good care of our teeth because any thing that may happen to it may be causing serious pain and it will affect the head.
This pain from the teeth used to be so serious that one will not be able to think very well again. So therefore it very important to take good care of our teeth.
When the particles stay in the teeth for long without brushing it causes tooth cavities that is why it is important to brush teeth regularly
Tooth cavities causes swelling in the mouth and pain in the gum area so we mind the kind of brush we use as well as it can also cause tooth cavities