Is making money better than education?


Education is the act of acquiring knowledge and impacting knowledge. When we are impacting knowledge to a group of people we say we are educating them. And when we acquired knowledge we say we are educated. Education is very important to man kind. As it exposed us to the reality of life. How we relate with each other and how we do things. It also direct us on how we manage our resources. You can have the money but if you don't know how to manage that which you have you may end up with nothing at the end. On the other side money is also very important to us, as we need the money to acquired even the education. Most especially in this twenty first century you can not go to school if you didn't have money. Now education have become so difficult that you have to spend a lots of your resources before you gain knowledge. As both of them is important which one do you think me, is better for someone to engage in first. Money or education, because this is very confusing to me. They say money is the root of all evil. And they also said money can buy education.
This is a sensitive question and prior to this time, I would not think twice but choose education over making money because far back from now, education was free and at no huge cost. Presently, education is no longer free and the cost of acquiring education is now expensive. Invariably, without money, one would not be able to get quality education. In my country, we operate both in free and paid education up to the secondary school level but no tertiary institution is free. The quality gotten from public education level from the primary to the secondary level is not sacrosanct because the knowledge molders which are the teachers display lackadaisical attitude and this in turn influences the character development of the students which they too are not interested in learning. Education has now become like a side hustle and money has taken over to become the major goal due to the fall of education. The government no longer prioritize education in this country of mine and they do so because their children are not in such dilapidated school system. Presently, there is an ongoing strike and as it stands, it might be the longest strike in this history because of the public display of no interest in settling the demands of the union.
Education and earning bother are important, time is differ for both. We get education from childhood to teenage and there after we start earning. So for earning education is also must and in these days when we are some more depends of technology so education is more important. Before starting and work to earn we must be complete our education. Education help in earning
Everyone is actually educated so you might want to reframe your question and refer to hat as obtaining formal education. Even someone who didn't go to school can be educated because he learnt the language he or she speaks through that means and can identify things within his environment all because he has been told what they are and that's education.
There are even those who didn't have the opportunity to go to school but they read a lot, more than even the scholars. So I would boldly tell you that obtaining formal education is not really necessary not in an environment where the rate of unemployment of graduates is at its very height.
Let's say you went to school, obtained formal education and a college degree and broke at the very end, would you compare yourself to someone who didn't attend college but hustled on time and became a millionaire. Of course, you can't possibly compare the two persons and you know the funny thing there? The funny and both annoying part of it is that at the end, those who obtained formal education will look for jobs in the hands of those who didn't and that's just how it has been.
We should have making money as our first priority and then other things should be secondary.
To me, education is the best. No matter the type of education you want to acquire whether it is formal education or informal education. Before you start making money, the first thing is to get knowledge first.
I know many people will say it is better to get money first, then they can now use the money to get education. But in the real sense, life is all about stages, at first a woman was pregnant, later she gave birth, then she nurtures the child till he grows up and becomes big. While the child is till a baby, he can't do much for himself, he can only cry if he needs anything before it will be provided by the parent.
So also is education, With your education, you can put the knowledge into your business or what ever way you want to use to make money. There will always be a big difference between a business of someone Who is educated and who is not educated.
Even if you want to embark on buying and selling business, you must first acquire knowledge on the business first before investing your money into if you don't want to fail before you start.
So matter what you want to do, education must always come first.
It's a no-brainer actually. Education is more important than money especially when you're looking at a long time frame.

This is not to say that one should not hustle, but how can you hustle and make money without knowledge. It's not only college degrees that constitute education. Vocational training, learning a new skill, learning a trade, are all part of education.

If you can do the both at the same time, it's even better. This will give you the opportunity to put the knowledge obtained from school or elsewhere into practice and to learn from the mistakes what works and what doesn't.
Money and education is important to the existence of human being it is also important to know that money and education are interrelated to each other . In a sense money is used to finance education and and in turn the education we get from school , colleges , and universities etc . makes us to be mentally and physically equipped to think about creative ideas and skills that could enable us make money there by earn a living . There is no doubt that some individuals who own business organisations and commercial enterprises did not pass through school or education of any kind . This is due as a result of the individuals god given creative skills and ideas .

But yet It is important to note that creative skills couple with education knowledge helps won't be a better business owner it also enabled a business owner to be confident and professional in interacting with people from different criteria's , i.e he will be able to conversate and interact with people who are educated and people who are not . In today's world making money seems to be the goal of every human being and so they neglect education . People whose actions I like this should understand that education makes one respected and be considered worthy of some business deals and commercial contract.
Wow nice one sir, thank you for sharing this update and making us to know about the importance of education, yes I will start by thanking you for how you enlighten us, this is a nice and educative information, I am actually pleased with what you said most especially the part you explained everything about the importance of education, considering the fact that we all needs money in everything we do, either in our physical life, academic life, or even everything we do, most especially in our daily activities, that is the things we do everyday, money makes life easier without encountering any form of problem or the other, but still I will assure you that education is very important most especially in this our present era with the abundance of technology, one has to be educated even though there is something people USS to say which is, those that has the money are now controlling the educated i s, but still there is something I want you to which is very important and very good, it will be much more better for one to get the two of them, in other to be haooy in all aspect of life, which is getting the money and been educated.
great discussion, i like it. Education and making money go hand in hand. So i simply think that education is good for self improvement but not a prerequisite to making money in this day and age.
This topic is indeed a sensitive one.
Education is an important aspect of life as well as making money, that's why most times you see people doing both and even smoothly.
Personally I would go for education,or even combine both if necessary.
But the problem lies in the state of things in the country. The unemployment rate is on the high side , that is why most graduates do not have jobs and then end up settling for things they shouldn't have.
Now for most people, education hasn't helped in anyway to put food on their table especially the tertiary level. Most people have been able to make it in life without education. I know of a lot of people that see tertiary education as a waste of time and have gone far in making their money. For others,they had no passion in their course of study and had to venture into making money. Education should be useful enough to help you make money , but if it doesn't fulfill that purpose, then it might seem as a waste even though it isn't. Money is necessary in life as education just like that can't put food on the table, but making money can.
I would end by saying that whichever a person chooses will depend on his or her mindset.
Which type of education are you talking about? Is it formal education or informal education? Well, whatever be the case, I think money is better than education because even if you are a professor and you are still poor, your own locality or society will never respect you.

We live in the world of competition and money does almost everything rather than education. I think the world's richest man is not a professor.
For me, there is a season for obtaining knowledge or education and a season for making money. Most people will start by going through years of education during which time they can focus on school. Later on, they will go on to apply what they have learned by working and consequently, earning money. You normally need some form of education to acquire the skills you'll need to make decent money at work or in a business. There are different kinds of education - formal, informal, and non-formal. Some people need to combine all three just to land a job that will pay a decent salary and support the quality of life they want for themselves and their families. The appropriate type of education can be very useful for a person to launch a career either in domestic or international job markets. Education is an investment for a better future and is often not the end by itself.​
You need both of them, you need education to be enlightened. Education at this current time isn't just the one option. It doesn't mean that, if a user failed to do so, it doesn't mean his or her career is over. Remember, education is never a guaranteed success to anyone. Most people I know in my country, aren't even literate the way we thought, most of them dropped out of secondary school just to survive on Earth, and they ventured into tech, and today, they're just rich and even richer than some so-called graduates, who are working for government as civil servants.
In my opinion education is more important than making money as we get knowledge from education through knowledge only we could earn money and possible to face ups and downs while earning money so we shoul prefer education first.
Both are needed both make money and education, money will meet our physical needs and desires, while education is to increase knowledge and be able to think logically, the higher the education the better in determining the mindset and analysis. So take the opportunity while you are still young to upgrade your education if possible to a master's degree.
The relationship between education and making money is intertwined, this is because looking at it technically, education cannot be achieved without money. There are some countries where they operate on free education like mine which there are some public schools from primary to secondary level which is free but furthering to the tertiary level, there is tuition to be paid. In this case, now that education has been acquired from the primary to secondary section, at least, the basic knowledge, foundation or rudiments has been attained. I think that making money is more important than education because education is not just limited to sitting in the classroom to receive lectures and copy notes, education can be at attained from the skills we learn. It is not everybody that has the passion to sit within the four walls of a classroom and not everyone is meant to be in school.

Even presently, there are some president who rule countries where they had no academic qualifications, they rule over; professors, lecturers, doctors and other professions you could think of. To me, education is not limited to sitting in the classroom education, it has a wide variety and if I'm to choose between education and making money, I will definitely go for making money so I can achieve the needed education.
There is no way that making money will never be much more valuable than education as a whole because education is the bedrock of a society, and without it no matter how much money you have you only end up wasting your time and also misusing the money and then abusing available resources simply because he did not get a proper orientation of what it means to have money and how to behave yourself in the society.

Education is a very broad term and it doesn't just stop at going to school to pass exam and then graduate to become a member of a society, but it is something that is expected of us to always engage in on a daily basis.

In fact, if you are not educated you one way or the other there is no way you can be able to make the money that you are talking about, because money on his own is a show of the fact that you have an information which other people do not have and then that information you have is what will enable you to make as much money as possible from selling of the knowledge to other people or using it to solve their problem while they pay you.
Well, by education let me assume you are talking about going to school. Actually anyone can acquire education anywhere presently because there are a lot of online articles that can use to educate yourself and make a lot of money and the same time. People like Elon musk became engineers by teaching themselves. I think you should read about that because Elon musk is a self-taught engineer and today is the world richest person. education is everywhere on the internet today with a lot of platforms like Udemy that you can enroll on acquire any kind of knowledge you want to acquire. YouTube is also there for you to learn everything you want to learn.
The truth is that the amount of knowledge you can acquire online by yourself today cannot be acquired in so many universities. even though it is very important you try
as much as possible to have certificates but that does not mean that going to school is the only way we can acquire education. Even though going to school can expose you to a lot of things like if you want to become an engineer you can have the opportunity to interact with your fellow students and work your way out to gain a lot of knowledge but it can also be gotten sitting at the comfort of your home..
Hello, this is a wonderful thread i must say, I commend your efforts in critical thinking and bringing this critical topic on deck for us to discuss.

The truth is, Making Money and education are equally important in this current world

We need money in other to carry out vital activities that are essential for the continuity and upkeep of life including education.
on the other hand, education is what we need in the society in order to make the world a better habitat for all.
Education is power, its is the light of the society and the reason behind several beautiful things in the society.

We need money to survive in this current world, it is the most used currency the society utilize as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Without which the food we eat and many other things that are needed for our lives to be in place can't be afforded.
in essence, I think both are very important and I don't think one is more important than the other

my opinion though
In a society like Nigeria, where people value education so much, it is very important to try and get some level of education and knowledge so that people can even respect you in this society because without so much advantageous achievement like this one it will be very difficult for you to ever make any significant influence.

This is one reason why you get to see even the real people try to get some diplomas or certificates in various Fields so as to be considered literate in the society and for them to be able to secure some top government responsibilities that are meant for people who are knowledgeable to a very large extent.

So there is no way that an individual should sit and then complain that have you money is enough and there is no longer need to go to school because such people will end up misbehaving in the society, since they refuse to acquire enough education that would ordinarily enable them to understand what is really expected of them of the society and how they can contribute meaningfully to the progress of themselves and the people that are living together with them in the same environment, so as to little general progress in the country.

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