Is Health Your Top Priority In The Life Right Now?


VIP Contributor
We all want to become healthy. We all want to live a healthy life because if we live a life where we suffer from diseases, we will never remain happy ever. health might be the top priority of many people. however, the big issue is that many people need to sacrifice their health due to various reasons. One of the biggest reasons why many people compromise is due to the fact that need to get a job that ruins their health. There are many jobs in the world that require you to work in environments that could prove to be devastating for your health.

For example, some people work in factories and smoke and fumes produced in the factories can damage your health really fast. Moreover, some people even work in mines and the gases produced by mines can also prove to be destructive for health. In fact, many workers in the mine die in mines due to accident. Apart from that, many people working in many offices also suffer from health problems later in their life. this is because they sit on their desk for the whole day and they never exercise. A job that requires you to sit for the whole day would kill you soon. So, is health your top priority?
Being a senior they say that health should be my top priority. I have noticed my grade school classmates who are so conscious with health. Whenever we would meet for a gathering the usual topic is either a sick person or someone who died. When food is served they are choosy because their priority is their health. Come to think of it. There is the end of the road for all of us. No one is exempted from death. Why are we here? My answer is to enjoy life in this world. My motto in life is that – enjoy life while we are still alive. However, I am also concerned with my health, of course. I try to eat good food and good drinks although I admit that my favorite drink is Coke and I don’t think that matters much to my health because I am not diabetic. My guide to long life and better living is moderation. When it comes to food and drinks, I take them in moderate amount and not too often. The same with other things like exercise, sleep and rest, and enjoyment like leisure and other activities.
For me health is my first priority because without health no man will be able to live a healthy life .Health plays a vital role in our life because if you do not have a proper health then it will effect your working life and also your ability to be there for your family and i think everyone should be given your health as your first priority because it makes a foundation or base of your life upon which you will be able to make a building by your hardworking and by your physical and mental strength and if we want to make a health as your priority then we should be drive some time from your daily busy life for example daily excercise, eat health and appropriate food and get good sleep all these things are that we should do daily because a good health provides you a energy to focus on your goal and everything which you want and dream of so we should take out some time from ourselves in order to relax your mind and body i would also like to know about how you are keeping your health maintain and is helath also your first priority?