How to Retain Your Best Employees


VIP Contributor
If you're a small business owner, the best way to retain employees is to make sure they feel appreciated and valued.

That's not always easy when you have limited resources and a lot of work to do. But if you're willing to work hard, it is doable.

Here are some tips on how to retain your best employees:

1. Show your appreciation for their hard work

Give them frequent thank-you cards or emails that acknowledge the good things they do for your company or customers. You can also send them gift cards for restaurants or entertainment so they can take a break from work and enjoy themselves.

2. Make sure they know how well they're doing

One of the best ways to keep employees happy is by letting them know how well they're performing at work. If you notice that an employee is consistently performing above expectations, send him or her a handwritten note or email just thanking him or her for their efforts in the past week, month or quarter (whatever timeframe works best). This will show that you appreciate everything he or she does for your company without going overboard by giving him or her too much credit for what he or she does on any given day.


VIP Contributor
The best way to retain your best employees is to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date. The most important thing you can do is to offer training courses that are relevant, interesting, and useful.

Training can be informal or formal — it's up to you, as the manager. But make sure that every employee has access to high-quality training.

If your company doesn't have any formal training programs in place yet, start small and build on them over time. For example, if you have a system administrator who's been with the company for many years, you might want to create a "Changes Made by" list on her computer so she can see all the changes she made during that period of time. This way she'll know what's changed and why it's changed — this will help her stay current on new technologies as well as on any other aspects of her job that might be changing over time (such as information security policies).

Above all, Make sure that they're compensated fairly. This means paying them enough so that they don't feel like they're working for free, but not so much that they start looking elsewhere for opportunities.


VIP Contributor
Some workers just want to be in a good workplace. you just have to create a good work place to be able to keep them in the company or workplace

it is good to show appreciation for their hard work, so that they know they are appreciated. Maybe you can start with give them frequent thank-you cards or emails that acknowledge the good things they do for your company or customers.

Again You can appreciate them by sending them money for restaurants or entertainment so that they can take a break from work and enjoy themselves. there's no employee that will not like this and remain in here


Verified member
Invest in the professional development of your finest workers and provide options for internal advancement to help them stay with the company. Acknowledge and honor their contributions with promotions, performance bonuses, or other rewards.
Establish open lines of communication, cooperative teams, and a good work-life balance to foster a great work atmosphere. Employee feedback should be sought in order to resolve issues and make changes. Express gratitude for their efforts and commitment to building a devoted and inspired staff.