Food You Should Not Eat Before Bedtime


1. Pizza : You may feel like you're making a healthy choice by eating pizza before bed, but think about how much oil and salt you're actually eating.

2. Fried foods : Fried foods are high in fat and calories and can cause heart disease and other health issues.

3. Candy : Candy is high in sugar and can cause cavities when eaten before bedtime.

4. Fries with everything : When you eat too many French fries right at night, you could develop high blood pressure because they are high in sodium.

5. Fried chicken with gravy : Fried chicken is high in sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure if you consume too much of it before bedtime.

6. Ice cream : Ice cream contains saturated fats that contribute to heart disease risk, especially if consumed regularly!

7. Candy : If you're trying to lose weight, don't eat candy before bed. It can cause you to overeat later in the day, which can make it hard to stick with your diet.