
  1. Yusra3

    Foods to Consume To Keep Diabetes At Bay

    While we've all heard about the benefits of eating a diet rich in fiber, not everyone knows about the amazing health benefits that come with eating healthy carbs. Here are five foods to consume to keep your diabetes at bay: 1. Nuts: Nuts are another great source of fiber, which can help lower...
  2. Yusra3

    Food You Should Not Eat Before Bedtime

    1. Pizza : You may feel like you're making a healthy choice by eating pizza before bed, but think about how much oil and salt you're actually eating. 2. Fried foods : Fried foods are high in fat and calories and can cause heart disease and other health issues. 3. Candy : Candy is high in...
  3. Yusra3

    High Protein Snacks To Keep at Hand

    Protein is king, and there's no better way to get your daily dose than by snacking on high-protein foods. If you're looking for a snack that will keep you full all afternoon, try some of these tasty treats: 1) Protein Bars Whip up a batch of these protein bars and store them in the freezer...
  4. Yusra3

    Include These 5 Foods In Your Diet For Glowing Skin

    You know that feeling you get when you look in the mirror and notice that your skin is looking better than it did yesterday? That's what im talking about. And here are 5 foods that can help you achieve glowing skin: 1) Cucumber: Vitamin C-rich, cucumber is a natural degreaser and has been used...
  5. raaman

    Foods can clean the Liver.

    Foods can clean the Liver. The liver alone does more than five hundred jobs. But some of the habits we do affect the liver. Alcohol, and unhealthy eating habits, can affect the liver. Toxins accumulate in the liver and cause hepatitis. So, it is important to clean the liver. This can be done...