
Customers attraction is an important strategy that business men and women are expected to key into in this present century. Reason is that it is crystal clear that that both the newbies and existing business person are working towards increasing turnover due to the current global economic condition. Survival of business is premised on the availability of customers that will patronize our products and services.

Enjoyment Monopoly, Duopoly and oligopoly can occur in business when there is only one seller of a product or service, Two sellers only supplying a product or service and Few people supplying a particular line of product or service respectively. How can these set of people continue enjoying is by having a unique factor that other competitors have not been able to break.

Whenever they fail to maintain their unique power and identity , the market will be broken and it will have a serious effect on the turnover and market pentation.

Therefore it is important to attract customers to be able maintain the champion on the field of business. when there is competition consumers will enjoy more at the expense of the sellers
To attract customers is pretty straightforward but tricky, all you have to do is provide the best services, I believe that you can innovate in any industry by just improving the customer service, if you are looking at starting a business, look at the competitors and then figure out what is lacking.

After figuring that out, the next thing to do is to devise a way to attract the customers based on the service, if you want to start a restaurant business, first thing first is to look at ways to give customers incentive for coming to your restaurant, like a takeaways or a gift.

These little things are what attract customers, you do not want to do what every one else is doing because you'll have the same result with them, to attract customers you have to be willing to go the extra mile for them and fulfill their needs.