Constipation in children is it normal?


New member
When a child is finding it difficult or has infrequent bowel movements, sometimes it could be dry stool or hard. I know constipation is a common issue with children, but when it becomes frequently or chronic constipation may lead to complications. It is always advice parents not to worry but when it lasted for days, a doctor should consult.
Constipation in children is not normal. Children who have constipation can develop another disease in their bodies because their immune systems are not strong enough to withstand it. Mothers must learn how to give soft foods that are rich in balanced diets to their children at this tender age. Eating of solid foods normally results in constipation in children, and it can lead to protusion of the anus. It is very advisable to give them fruits and vegetables to boost their antibodies. Eating excess foods and beverages can cause constipation. Make sure that the children are drinking a lot of water before and after their meals to make it easier for them to excrete. When you see a sign of constipation in your children, like a stomach ache, undigested foods can cause stomach aches. Try to take them to the hospital to consult a doctor to give them proper treatment and a diagnosis to know the cause of that constipation.
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