What is constipation and how to detect it.?


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Constipation is when the stools hard to come out from tectum (anus). This can occur when the water in the stomach is not sufficient to digest food before excretion.
The foods that responsible for constipation are wheat and barely, some dry foods that needs enough water to digest.
We can drink a lots of water to soften the food that we eat and drink water early in the morning before doing anything. This disease is not serious but it can cause discomfort in body. To get rid of it is to drink a lot of water and fruits and vegetables to ease digestion and excretion.
What is Constipation and How to Detect It?

Constipation is a condition in which the stools are hard, dry, and difficult to pass.

A condition where a person has 3 or fewer bowel movements a week.
Constipation can have many causes, including inadequate fiber intake, certain medications, and not enough fluids.

Constipation can affect anyone. However, it appears to be more common in women than men and in the elderly than younger people. Constipation is more common in people who do not have a balanced diet or adequate exercise.

Another reasons why some people have constipation is because they do not drink enough water. If you are dehydrated, your body will begin to hold on to liquids, which means less room for foods and nutrients. This can cause constipation.

Constipation occurs when the colon fails to contract properly. The colon muscles must contract in order to move food through the digestive tract. If the colon does not contract properly, the stool becomes hard and dry.

If you think you are constipated, you should talk with your health care provider about treatment options
How to detect constipation? The first sign of constipation is having fewer than 3 bowel movements a week. You can use a toilet paper roll or tape measure to keep track of how long it takes you to move your bowels. If it takes longer than 1 hour, you may want to talk with a healthcare professional, such as your doctor or dietitian for proper treatment and recommendations such as increasing fiber intake or using laxatives.

If you are concerned about your bowel habits, keep track of how many times you use the toilet in 1 day and go see your doctor if you have fewer than 3 bowel movements per week for 2 weeks in a row.

How to prevent constipation?

Drink plenty of water every day (at least 8 glasses).

Move around every day (walk, dance, jog).

Keep active (do physical activities at least 30 minutes per day).

Eat more fiber-rich foods (fruits, vegetables,
Constipation can be a very uncomfortable condition indeed. Whenever I have it, it becomes so hard to concentrate on any work I have. I figure that it is not only caused by the foods you have mentioned. For us women, it can be due to our menstrual cycle. Most women experience constipation and bloating just before their periods.

The remedies that I have found to be useful for me whenever I am constipated or want to prevent it include;

1. Drinking a lot of water - it helps with digestion hence the body rids off any waste in the body easily.
2. Eating foods rich in fiber- this also helps the body to digest foods.
3. Exercise - whenever I am constipated and I engage in simple home workouts or just take a walk, the condition eases alot.