Broad Niche or Micro Niche: What is Better for Blogging


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A lot of people blog on multiple niches because they can publish on multiple topics on the same blog. However, some people prefer to blog on single niche and publish niche specific content. When it comes to blogging on single niche, you can do it in two ways, one use broader niche, and two, use micro niche.

For example, you can create a pet blog or health blog and publish all pet related or all health related topics on the same blog. When you are publishing micro niche blog, you do not publish general pet articles but niche specific, for instance instead of publishing blogs on cat, dogs, parrots, rabbits, etc. on the same blog, you publish only on dogs, or only on cats. Likewise, instead of publish all sorts of health article, you either publish on herbal healing, or alternative healing. When you have niche specific blog, you can get targeted traffic and when you are able to bring targeted traffic, you will be able to earn more.
Before you choose a niche, you need to understand the rank of your website on the search engine ranking page. Let's say you use a keyword that only gets 100 searches in a month. This implies that the keyword you are targetting is searched by only 100 people, and if you managed to rank on the number one result, you will get 100 (maximum) visits from search queries. How let's add three more zeros on that number. If you use keywords that get 100,000 searches in a month and you managed to rank number you are likely to get 100,000 visits in the month. Micro niches are the niches that are very narrow and not many people will be searching on search engines. When there are not many searches, you are not getting a lot of traffic. There is no point of being 1 of 1, you need to try to become 1 of 100,000.