Are bananas good for you?


New member
Bananas are a fruit that is available all over the world.

Did you know? Banana contains 0.3 g of fat, 1 mg of salt, 360 mg of potassium, 2.6 g of dietary fiber, 12 g of sugar and 1.1 g of protein per each 100 g of portion.

Bananas are also high in fiber, which helps you feel satisfied for longer and also keep your weight down control.

Dr. Gillit and Dr. Nieman in the study "Metabolism" The analysis based on the intake of bananas and pears on the yield and recovery from exercise found that the cyclist performed 5 times more faster when consuming banana than when consuming water.

Banana contains natural sugar, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.

Banana also has a sugar profile similar to beverages sports, making it a healthy alternative to drinks sports.