Would you take a job you hate if it pays a huge salary.


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Someone said that whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, everyone is doing business. The employee is selling his time and talents for an amount in the form of a salary. Theeefore, every employee should approach their jobs with a pure business mindset. Armed with this business mindset, career decisions should be made on the basis of profitability.

The big question "is if you have a passion for a particular job and it pays peanuts and a job you hate comes along with a humongous pay, would you pursue your passion or money? For me, I believe we must survive to be able to even pursue passion. I personally don't like cops job but if I see one now that offers a mind blowing salary, I won't think it twice. I think that's how we should approach life. We have to prioritize money over passion. Money is necessary for your today and your future.
I would not take a job I hated if it paid me a huge salary.

I hate working for someone else. I would rather be self-employed.

When you are employed, you have to listen to bosses, who might not understand what you're doing or why. And once you've been employed for a while, you're stuck in an office every day with people who don't care about your work and only care about themselves.

Working for someone else means that you can't do the work that interests you most. you have to do what they tell you to do because they need the results they want from being told what to do. They want things done their way, so they think only of their own needs and don't give much thought to yours.

If I were given the opportunity to become self-employed, I'd be thrilled!