Why we should stop smoking


Verified member
We should stop smoking because it's very dangerous and when we smoke we start to have different kind of disease.when you are smoking you are inhaling smoke and those dirty particles are storing on the heart there by making you have heart problem or heart disease.you also start to develop kidney disease or kidney stone.also when you smoke you will have headache and your eyes also get extremely red so don't smoke.when you smoke you also get high and starts to misbehave.you also have high blood pressure and high temperature.so don't smoke for a good and also a better and.


VIP Contributor
Smoking does not health benefit than being injurious to the body. It darkens the liver and weakens the kidney. No doubt they do warn that smokers are liable to die young. Only God knows what smokers enjoy in inhaling smoke. However, I won't be too quick to judge. There may be many reasons for them to be smoking which may include mibeujf with bad friends and the likes.


Active member
Well I think knowing full well the harmful and side effects of smoking cigarettes is enough for any individual to stop smoking. Unless if the person does not value their life.

As you rightly pointed out, Smoking cigarettes is harmful to human body and thus, one should abstain from smoking cigarettes and other related Smokes. Cigarettes is very parlors and dangerous, most especially to young people. smoking of cigarettes can make let you develope headache and can change the colour of your eyes.

Smoking cigarettes can has effect on the vital organs in the human body and cause serious health issues that can abstain you from having a fulfilling and healthy life, this is because smoking of cigarettes causes slot of destructions to human body. Ranges from kidney failure, asthma, diabetic, eye disease , lungs among others.

As already been told by the cigarettes makers that smokers are liable to die young, Thus, it will be good and will also the the world a favour if every individuals can abstrain from smoking cigarettes or it counterparts.

However, There are multiple harmful effects of smoking cigarettes that are are glaring to our naked eye in which any rightful thinking human can see as a case study.