Why Do You Need Vitamin E?


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Vitamin E is a very important type of vitamin and it works for many organs of the body. It is completely performing as an antioxidant in our human body. You can get it from various vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, cereals, and various fruits.

If you find any genetic disorder of the body, it is the result of shortness of vitamin E. Besides, whenever you see the low weight of any infant, it is the result of a lack of vitamin E from its mother.

You can have vitamin E from the following foods-- nuts like almonds, peanuts, seeds like sunflower seeds, vegetable oil like soybean, corn, sunflower, safflower, and wheat germ etc. Besides, you can get vitamin E from different vegetables like broccoli, spinach etc, and fruits like mangoes and kiwis have high vitamin E.

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