Why are some people given no or less attention to their health.


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As as we already know it is the responsibility and the priority of every human being on earth to take care of his or her health . But due to some environmental political and social factors the ability for human beings to take care of your health has been hindered or obstructed . Majority of individuals in most regions like developing countries are not purposely neglecting their health , but as a result of some factors that affect the country in which the reside or live they have no other choice than to make their health the least priority in their lives . A survey was conducted in Nigeria by a Health organisation and people including household members were asked and interviewed on why they are showing no or less attention to their health below are some of the factors that the claim was the cause :

HARDSHIP : by the word hardship we mean the ability for an individual to toil and suffer in order to make ends meet . A lot of people in developing countries like Nigeria are spending more than a usual time they should in their self-employed or government-owned businesses and in most cases they have to break a leg or break a bone just to cater for their families needs and wants . And as a result of this their health are being neglected making it the least priority in their minds .

ECONOMIC SITUATION : economic situation in some developing countries caused by the government who rule and govern such territory have affected the health potentials of its citizens . Governmental crisis like war and man-made natural disasters have affected the health of people and rather for them to think about their health they are thinking about their survival .