Why are employees always been exploited?


Valued Contributor
Employees as we all know is the life line of any business venture, infact it will be very difficult for a business venture or organization to rise above the quality of employee that it has. The behaviour of the employee in the work place determines what happens in the organization as against their client. The employees something determines the success of the organization.

The employers must times depends solely on the decision of the employees to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. But the sad part of this whole thing is that most organizations or employers do not provide adequate welfare packages for their staff. They exploit their employees and make them weary to work and has bad attitude towards work.
What do you think are the reasons for the exploitation.?
I believe it is just human nature to be Cruel to a surbordinate. I see employers of labor do very horrible things to their workers and it beats me how humans can be this wicked

But then again some workers can be very stubborn and rude. So I think some workers are to be blamed for their treatment but some employers can be plain wicked
Companies exploit employees because they can. In some places, people are so used to being "productive" and working long hours that we don't know the meaning of a work/life balance, and their bosses take full advantage of this.

It's hard to blame them; what's in it for them otherwise? If you want more from your life than an effective slave-driver with no empathy whatsoever, start practicing self-awareness in all areas, including your job.

Every day before you walk into the office, ask yourself, "Am I willing to continue doing this for free?" If not, there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for people willing to invest their time wisely.
Change starts internally but never on someone else's timetable.
The situation of the employee is being always under the authority of the employer so there is the tendency for the employee to be abused. I know of some managers who lose their demeanor when they are angry. They throw insults and sometimes even a suspension of the erring employee. But that can always happen with the setup of the employee and employer setup.
Some jobs can be very demanding that they take away so much from you....Some employers have this notion that, there's always someone waiting in line to take your position. They even say it to your face. Because of this, they tend to manipulate workers, or by being spiteful to them, which is very bad. I think workers needs to learn a lot of skills, to be a little valued at work.