When Hiring Employees, Must You Hire Those Who Believe In Your Vision And Mission Statement?


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The recruitment and selection process is not always an easy task for the human resource managers or recruiters. Setting out goals and objectives is very crucial in any organization that aims to thrive successfully. The hiring process involves being unbiased and selecting the best candidate which of course should strictly be based on merit. It is possible that the potential best candidate may not align with all your set vision and mission and make have his or her own ideologies and perception. In such state of dilemma, would you rather employ or select a candidate who is less experienced or less skilled or would you prefer the former and be more open-minded by utilizing his own views or ideologies or you would remain unwavering and select the latter who would conform with your vision?
When hiring employees, must you hire those who believe in your vision and mission statement?

Many startups and small businesses do not have an employee screening process. They just try to find the right fit at the time of hiring. If a company is in its early stages, it may be difficult to determine whether or not a new hire will be a good fit for the business. This lack of clear criteria for new hires can lead to poor employees and potentially poor results from their efforts.

In order to avoid this problem, it is important that all employees feel that they are being hired for the same reason. This way, new hires are likely to stay on board with the company's vision and mission statement.

Good employees are individuals who understand the significance of what you are doing. They understand how you want to make a difference and what it means for them to be part of your team. They believe in your vision and share your goals, which leads to better productivity and more meaningful, personal relationships within the workplace.

While most companies do not interview potential employees until after they have been hired, it is important that you clearly define what your company values before hiring someone. In a similar fashion, all members of the company should be aware of their role in supporting your company's mission statement.
It is not a must to hire such persons, though it would definitely make things alot easier. These days it's pretty hard to actually find people with the same vision as you. What you should mainly look out for is if the person has the skills and knowledge to handle the job.
In the recruitment and selection process, at times it is difficult to detect those who are really aligned with your vision and mission and this is because most potential employees would act like they are in line with your set vision just so they could get the slot for the job and in the short or long run, they will start showing deviant behaviour. It is best to be very keen and observant during the selection process and take only the best candidate that supports your vision and mission goals.

Employing individuals who are not aligned to your vision and mission would bring negative impact to the organisation or business and this will affect total worker's productivity. It is also best to evaluate your staff from time to time in order to checkmate some excesses or decline. When dealing with employees, most times it is possible than an employee had believed in your vision but due to I'll treatment or preferential treatment of some employees, it is possible that they will view your vision in a different perspective which would cause decline because once your employees are demotivated, the company's worth is more likely to decline no matter the pressure you put on them, there will always be mistakes.
I would love to hire workers that align with my mission and vision statements. But also of importance is the required skill an knowledge concerning the job,together with the readiness to work. Well you may never know if your employees believe in your mission and vision statement but as far as they exhibit good working ethics and do their job in the best way then I have absolutely no problem with them.
It is important that employees get to understand their purpose in an organization and the other things that are expected of them in a working environment, of course there would be rules and regulations guarding the firm or organization which should be strictly adhered to and the penalties for not doing so also stated to guide the employees further. This is why when the employees show signs of incompetence, they should be sanctioned or kept on probation to check for improvement and if there is, they can be allowed to continue but if the employees show no sign of improvement, they can be replaced with a better employee.
Generally I believe an employee should align with the mission and vision statement of the organization he or she is concerned with.