What's your take on office romance?

At the outset I see nothing wrong in office romance but when I have seen the side effects I would disapprove of it. When the lovers would have a quarrel the job is greatly affected especially when the lovers break up can you imagine their attitude towards each other? That can cause disaster at work.
All these are just merely arguments against office romance which to me they don't hold much water. Mood changes when spouse fight for sure, but the same way a man that just quarrels with his wife at home before going to work will feel is the same with the one that quarrels with his wife that works in the same place with him. The two will be both disattracted for sure. So it is the function of discipline.
Office romance is very bad and its a thing that and employer must not encourage it all. Many mistakes can occurs some time if such an attitude is allowed in an office and at times an employee who made mistakes might not be corrected just because she/he is having an affairs with the boss which really affect the growth of the company or business.
Office romance ruins reputation....It takes away your respect either as a boss or as co-workers. Romance is for off duty not in the line of duty. We should all be watchful how we mix business with pleasure. No business will move forward with that kind of action or behavior. I think we should always act decent wherever we are, it's good for dignity's sake.
Office romance should not be encourage at all, office should not be a place to express or displace our romance affair but rather a place for work. No matter the feelings between the two parties they should know that wheneverthey are in office they are there for work and their romance can be after office hour.
As a manager, I won't have any problem with office romance. As long as their romantic relationship does not interfere with their work in the company. But if it starts getting to a point where allowing it will interfere with work, then I will do away with it. Some cases such as conflicts in the workplace due to some relationship issues may occur.
That is why i think it is even better for such employees to keep their affairs out of the work place environment as they cannot combine work with their relationship issues and still perform up to expectations. It would definitely affect their ability to stay focused in the work place, this then affects the productivity of the organization as a whole.
As a manager, I won't have any problem with office romance. As long as their romantic relationship does not interfere with their work in the company. But if it starts getting to a point where allowing it will interfere with work, then I will do away with it. Some cases such as conflicts in the workplace due to some relationship issues may occur.
Lol, you have said your mind. You are truly jealous. And to be candid, office romance won't work for you. Imagine a colleague looking lustfuly at your wife or even complementing her in a flirty manner. I know the look on your gave will be petulant. Aside this, office romance to me is cool. I love seeing my girl all around me, she motivates more than she disattracts me.
Laughs, that's your own take. Seeing someone i have feelings for my will slow down my input for the company i work for. And again I'm a shy and jealous person just as you've seen towards the message i type. That's why i decided to play low now around romance to focus on meeting target then in the future i can talk about it in a separate side not in my business workplace, Lol.
Laughs, i got your points clear you have bubbled with my mind just as you said. If our spouse is working in the same field with us that will lead to distraction cos of others the tension not to see competition around him or her, Lol. Since I'm a jealous person, i can not keep such kind of relationship in my workplace.
Lol, you have said your mind. You are truly jealous. And to be candid, office romance won't work for you. Imagine a colleague looking lustfuly at your wife or even complementing her in a flirty manner. I know the look on your gave will be petulant. Aside this, office romance to me is cool. I love seeing my girl all around me, she motivates more than she disattracts me.
I like this angle you are looking at the matter. But let me burst your bubble. If one can not handle office romance successfully on the ground that it will cause disattraction, it means the person can't work effectively. Someone that can be distracted seeing his or her spouse at his or her workplace can easily be disattracted too if the thought of his or spouse crosses his or mind. Do you get my point?
Laughs, i got your points clear you have bubbled with my mind just as you said. If our spouse is working in the same field with us that will lead to distraction cos of others the tension not to see competition around him or her, Lol. Since I'm a jealous person, i can not keep such kind of relationship in my workplace.
It is always advised that both managers and employees see to it that they are always in their best behaviours, especially in the place of work. It does not make sense for them to engage in office romance as they have to keep that as personal affair which should not be brought to their place of work. Things like this also make some women to sue their managers for making romantic and sexual advances towards them.


VIP Contributor
Why most managers don't see anything bad in office romance. Other managers frown at it. Their major reason is that it won't allow the workers to concentrate on their works.

In contrary, other mangers don't see anything bad in office romance, they do believe that there are some certain circumstances that can warrant for office romance.

There are some jobs that can't help but support office romance. Banking job for instance won't see anything bad in office romance. This is because most bankers don't have time to mingle with other people other than their co-workers.

While some people have claim lack of concentration as the major reason why office some managers may frown at it. They claim that lover birds couple may be a disattraction to each other while at work.

What is your take on office romance. Will you support or against it when or if you become a manager?
I frown at office romance, i don't gamble when I'm in the duty, no love lost nor found when it comes to romance. I play safe, respect my job, and avoid distraction cos, it will ruin my time and make me to think only about the likeness and losing the concentration in in my field which will make my boss trust score on me reducing towards its ousting.
I like this angle you are looking at the matter. But let me burst your bubble. If one can not handle office romance successfully on the ground that it will cause disattraction, it means the person can't work effectively. Someone that can be distracted seeing his or her spouse at his or her workplace can easily be disattracted too if the thought of his or spouse crosses his or mind. Do you get my point?
I will never support office romance, even between married couples working in the same place. It shouldn’t be condoned, there’s a place for everything and it should remain so. Take your romance elsewhere and not the office. The office is a serious place for work and all hands must be on deck
I took my time to study the cases of office romance and I discover that most are into it as a result of the nature of their work. A banker spends virtually every minutes of his days in his work place which makes it difficult to meet people he can woo. So you won't be too quick judging bankers that fell in love with each other on bank. I may however condemn public display of affection at work.
Why most managers don't see anything bad in office romance. Other managers frown at it. Their major reason is that it won't allow the workers to concentrate on their works.

In contrary, other mangers don't see anything bad in office romance, they do believe that there are some certain circumstances that can warrant for office romance.

There are some jobs that can't help but support office romance. Banking job for instance won't see anything bad in office romance. This is because most bankers don't have time to mingle with other people other than their co-workers.

While some people have claim lack of concentration as the major reason why office some managers may frown at it. They claim that lover birds couple may be a disattraction to each other while at work.

What is your take on office romance. Will you support or against it when or if you become a manager?
I will never support office romance, even between married couples working in the same place. It shouldn’t be condoned, there’s a place for everything and it should remain so. Take your romance elsewhere and not the office. The office is a serious place for work and all hands must be on deck
I frown at office romance, i don't gamble when I'm in the duty, no love lost nor found when it comes to romance. I play safe, respect my job, and avoid distraction cos, it will ruin my time and make me to think only about the likeness and losing the concentration in in my field which will make my boss trust score on me reducing towards its ousting.
Why most managers don't see anything bad in office romance. Other managers frown at it. Their major reason is that it won't allow the workers to concentrate on their works.

In contrary, other mangers don't see anything bad in office romance, they do believe that there are some certain circumstances that can warrant for office romance.

There are some jobs that can't help but support office romance. Banking job for instance won't see anything bad in office romance. This is because most bankers don't have time to mingle with other people other than their co-workers.

While some people have claim lack of concentration as the major reason why office some managers may frown at it. They claim that lover birds couple may be a disattraction to each other while at work.

What is your take on office romance. Will you support or against it when or if you become a manager?
I think office romance is very dangerous...
At the outset I see nothing wrong in office romance but when I have seen the side effects I would disapprove of it. When the lovers would have a quarrel the job is greatly affected especially when the lovers break up can you imagine their attitude towards each other? That can cause disaster at work.
A lot of people may not be able to control this, all this is not really necessary because you are mixing business with pleasure and you may not actually concentrate in the business you are doing that is why it is always advisable that business must be business and should never be mixed with pleasure.
office romance is not too idea for business, most firm frown against it, it causes a lot of distraction, emotion is always unstable and in advent that their is an issue between the couple it will definitely affect their work efficiency and also co operations an also case of jealousy can also come up.
How will you advice people that work in banking sector, for instance, to do without it? It may be practically impossible for them because there is no time for them to be hanging out with strangers other than their colleagues at work. The time schedule they have won't allow this. I am not in support of it but situation warrants it more than intention.
office romance is not too idea for business, most firm frown against it, it causes a lot of distraction, emotion is always unstable and in advent that their is an issue between the couple it will definitely affect their work efficiency and also co operations an also case of jealousy can also come up.