What are Child Care Choices for Working Mums


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Choosing child care for your child can be overwhelming, but fortunately there are many options available. A new study has found that working mums often have a difficult time finding and paying for good child care, while others choose to stay home with their children.

When it comes to finding child care, the study found that no matter where you live, you will have a variety of options available to you. You can choose between the traditional daycare center or a nanny.

1) Traditional daycare centers provide services for small groups of children, usually from ages 2-6, who are taught by teachers with special training in early childhood development. While these centers do offer excellent educational and social opportunities for children, they tend to be more expensive than other types of facilities.

2) Nannies, on the other hand, provide more individualized attention to each child and often work out of the parents' home. Though you may think having a nanny is too expensive for your budget, it could actually end up being cheaper in the long run than putting your child in daycare.

3) If neither of these options meets your needs or budget, consider hiring a babysitter or finding a friend or family member who is willing to watch over your child.