Shares/Stock The profit in receiving the annual stock dividends


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This is not to be sarcastic with crypto. I just want to state facts about investing stocks. My wife holds a stock of a bank worth more than $20,000 which was a grant for her long tenure in that bank 3 years ago. Maybe out of loyalty she didn’t want to sell the stocks when the price was up that her holdings was worth $25,000.

In fairness to her the stocks are earning an annual dividend. It is not much but quite fine with the $500 more or less per year. She’s waiting for the stock dividend which can increase the number of her stocks. Now that is a food for thought for the crypto investors. If you invested in blue chip stocks then you can earn dividends even if the market price will not increase.
Stocks good when you make profits but if it's otherwise , the story is a sad one. I bought some stocks of 1000 units in a local television station . It went down and I recorded a serious loss on the long run. It's good when you have stocks in a company that as good and effective management. But if it's otherwise, it could be detrimental
I think that when you look at the boat project they are actually not trying to mean the same thing as a very different in the way they work. You are not going to get any dividend of investment on cryptocurrency so if you want to earn dividends then you should invest in stocks instead.