stock dividend

  1. beamer

    Passive Income for Beginners 1000 a week

    Purchase dividend-yielding stocks A dividend is a sum of money paid to shareholders out of a company’s profits. Shareholders in companies with dividend-yielding stocks receive payments at regular intervals from the company. Since the income from the stocks is not related to any activity other...
  2. Alexandoy

    Shares/Stock What motivated you to buy stocks?

    In the days before I received the grant of stocks by the employer of my wife, I was shying away from the stocks because of the bad experience in 1995 when we were forced to buy stocks which crashed after a year. If I were not given stocks then most likely I'm still not going for stocks as...
  3. Alexandoy

    Shares/Stock How much is the worth of your stocks?

    I joined the stock investment group recently and I am learning many things about stocks. Compared with other investment programs I can say that buying stocks has more benefits than crypto coin investment. When you own shares of stocks that makes you a part owner of the company. And as part owner...