Reasons we shouldn't make money just to impress people


Active member
What's your purpose of making money? Is it to impress your family or other people? That shouldn't be the reason of making money guy. There are several reasons why we shouldn't make money just to impress people, including:

It's not sustainable: Trying to maintain a certain image or lifestyle just to impress others can be financially exhausting and may not be sustainable in the long run.

It's not fulfilling: Money and material possessions may bring temporary happiness, but they don't provide long-term fulfillment. True satisfaction comes from pursuing your passions and living a life aligned with your values.

It's a never-ending cycle: The desire to impress others with our wealth or status can become an addictive cycle that is difficult to break. It's important to focus on what truly matters in life, such as relationships, personal growth, and making a positive impact in the world.

It can harm relationships: Building relationships based on material possessions or wealth can create a superficial and unhealthy dynamic. It's important to foster genuine connections with others based on mutual respect, shared values, and authentic communication.

It can lead to financial stress: Spending money just to impress others can lead to financial stress and debt. It's important to live within our means and prioritize financial stability over impressing others.

It can damage self-esteem: When we base our self-worth on external factors such as wealth or status, we can easily fall into the trap of comparison and self-doubt. This can damage our self-esteem and make us feel like we're never good enough.

It can lead to unethical behavior: The desire to impress others with our wealth or status can lead to unethical behavior such as lying, cheating, or exploiting others. It's important to maintain our integrity and ethical standards, even if it means sacrificing our desire to impress others.

Ultimately, the pursuit of wealth should not be driven solely by a desire to impress others, but by a desire to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.


Valued Contributor
It does not even make sense for someone to make money just to impress others. it is very true that some circumstances in life can motivate us to work very hard and try as much as possible to achieve financial freedom.

Sometimes we may also feel the need to prove some people wrong especially those who think that we cannot make it in life but even at that if you don't make money to prove people wrong.

Making money should be from the mindset of achieving financial freedom and trying to live a better life and not to operate or impress anyone.


VIP Contributor
Trying to maintain a certain image just to impress others can be financially exhausting. You just be getting drained with this kind of mindset

This does not even make sense to me. I can never di anything to impress another. it's a waste to be as you have rightly states It's not fulfilling: Yeah, True satisfaction comes from impressing yourself and pursuing your passions

It's a never-ending cycle as it is not sustainable: The desire to impress others with our wealth can become an addictive cycle almost as if you are punishing yourself.


Absolutely, making money solely to impress others isn't sustainable or fulfilling. It's crucial to prioritize personal values over external validation. Fostering genuine connections based on mutual respect is key, not material possessions. Financial stability should be prioritized over impressing others, as overspending can lead to stress and debt. Seeking guidance from trusted sources like acrisure customer service can offer valuable insights for financial planning. Ultimately, the purpose of making money should be about creating a meaningful and fulfilling life aligned with our values and aspirations.