Procrastination is a bad habit in business


Active member
Procrastination is a barrier to personal progress. I've known quite a number of people who are constantly looking or talking about opening up a business for years now and still after all their plans and talks they haven't stepped forward and tried to open up a business. Whenever I ask them why the long delay? Why not open up your business now? These people would just say that they're still doing the business plan or they're currently deciding on it. But the truth is these people are afraid of the risk of failure. These people would rather work in companies where they feel secured and compensated. Well that's their cup of tea and I respect that. Because how would the economy flourish if there were no workers right? But if you want to achieve something great well you need to be a calculative risk taker. You can't get rich without taking risks.
As the saying goes proscrastination is the thief of time. This is so true with any Business anyone wants to go into. It is good to be up and doing than keep postponing what can be done today still tomorrow. The truth is that tomorrow never comes. So the time to always start is today
Procrastination is a very bad habit and anyone looking to be successful in life must shun it. Procrastination has made a lot of business man not to achieve their aim and it has also led to a lot of business failures because in business taking action is very important. Planning taking action is very is important to business success.
Not only in business does procrastination is very bad but in every thing we do in life. When we procrastinate, we kill a business and our time. We should always learn how to make hail while the sun shine . while we are procrastinating, some else maybe planning and working towards what we are also planning.
As for me procrastination is so synonymous with laziness, the root cause of procrastination is laziness. There are people who spend virtually all their time in the planning phase and they will never take a step to achieving anything whatsoever about the plans that they have been nursing. Procrastination we say is the thieft of time. There is this particular friend of mine that has been talking about travelling abroad to either study or work. And each time I ask him of how far he has gone with the plans he keep saying he has made up his mind in the state he will settle, all hr does is to waste his time and data to watch videos on YouTube and look at beautiful cities abroad. He doesn't seem to have a clue as to the kind of program he wants to study or even the type of job he will love to do. Then I got upset with him one day and told him not to waste his time and rather take things more seriously and get a reasonable job to here in my country and save to do other reasonable things, and today the friend is working and earning a decent living.
Procrastination is really bad in every aspect of life, as someone said earlier, procrastination is the offspring of laziness, I battle with this feeling too, the body likes comfort and it doesn't want anything that would make it stressful, and when we indulge our body into comfort we can't do anything worthwhile we just waste our time and then after that we will have a deep regret, but trust the brain it is very tricky it will only take a moment before it will indulge you again.

You need a very strong will and reason to stay focused and achieve your goal and dreams, the race is always against time because it waits for no body and you can not get it back, we should put this at the back of our mind at least remembering it will makes us to do stuffs that matters.

And the bad thing about procrastination is, you won't be doing anything productive, just plainly wasting time and sometimes you will feel it, you'll know that you're wasting time but it will be very hard to stop.

It's crazy and discipline is getting harder, one needs a very strong will to fight and win against himself
Procrastination is indeed a very huge hindrance and obstruction to business preventing it from flourishing and reaching higher heights . When procrastination becomes part of a business owner he possesses an exhibit the habit of laziness , sluggishness , and reluctance towards carrying out business activities and practices that involves the business well-being . Procrastination in business is caused as a result of the business owner taking part in fake pleasure or things that do not concern the business . Fake pleasures like womanizing , drug abuse , overdrinking , and smoking have a dehumanizing effect on the human body and also to what the individual business .

Research and studies has it that in a year a lot of business in a particular country tend to shut down and liquidate as a result of procrastination caused by the individual all the business owner involved clinging to fake pleasures . How can individual and business owner avoid procrastination . To avoid procrastination a business owner must refreshes his mindset to what his business . Although it is not easy to keep a focus message to what your business but an individual or a business owner must constantly remind himself the reason why he goes into business and what are his goals he must focus to accomplish . Doing routine actions like these will give no room for procrastination to come in .
Procrastination is not just a bad habit in business but it is a bad habit in everything. In most cases, procrastination is usually caused by fear, or should I say fear of the unknown. Back then I wanted to start a small graphic design gig but I didn't, not cause I didn't have the tools needed but I was sacred that my designs would not be good enough since I was not a pro yet. I was also worried about what others might think or say about my designs. This was what stopped me from giving it a try for months, I kept giving excuses as to why I shouldn't give it a try. One thing about procrastinating is that it often ends in regrets.