Open Source Blogging Platforms


VIP Contributor
If you want to create self-hosted blogs, you have two options, one, either use a content management system or build a website from scratch. For a lot of people, the first option is more viable, even though there are also website builders to create blogs. When it comes to building a self-hosted blog, wordpress is the ideal choice. Well, wordpress is undoubtedly the best but you can also use other options: Here are some open-source blogging platforms other than wordpress.

  1. Ghost: It is an open-source content management that is licensed by MIT and written in JavaScript. You can use it for free to build a blog as well as other kinds of sites. It offers clean web design optimized for search engines.
  2. Hugo: This open-source website creation software allows you to build static website easily. Some people even claim that Hugo is better than Wordpress. Hugo is written in Go and is easy to install and use.
  3. Jekyll: This is a free and open-source website creation tool to create all sorts of sites including blogs. The content management tool is written in Ruby.
  4. Gatsby: This is another great alternative to wordpress. It is a free and open-source framework for building websites and apps. This is a React-based framework. This platform is best for creating blogs, portfolio websites, and business websites as well.


VIP Contributor
I am afraid, I do not know anything about any of these open source blogging platforms. The only blogging platforms that I know and that I have use is Wordpress. Even though Joomla and Drupal can also be used to create blog sites, these CMS require basic knowledge of programming in order to use them smoothly. The author just listed the alternative blogging platforms, it would have been better if he had compared these open source blogging platforms with wordpress and whether these free platforms have any advantage over wordpress. The problem with using newer platforms is lack of resources, the OP did not say anything about this.