How To Stop Nose Bleeding.


VIP Contributor
The first thing to do is that:
  • Sit quietly
  • Blow the nose gently to remove mucus and blood
  • pinch the nose firmly for 10 minutes or until the bleeding had stopped. Tell the person to breathe through the mouth.

If this does not control the bleeding..
Pack the nostril with a was if cotton, leaving part of it outside the nose . If possible, first wet the gotten with hydrogen peroxide, Vaseline, or lidocaine with epinephrine.
Then pinch the nose firmly again,. Do not let go for 10 minutes or More.

Leave the cotton in place for a few hours after the bleeding stops ; then take it out very carefully.

In older persons especially , bleeding mat come from the back part of the nose and can not be stopped by pinching it. In this case , have the person hold a cork, corn co, or other similar object between his teeth and, learning forward, sit quietly and try not to swallow until the bleeding stops.
( The cork helps keep him from swallowing, and that gives the blood a chance to clot.)

If a person's nose bleeds often, smear a little Vaseline inside the nostrils twice a day, or snuff water with little salt in it.

Eating oranges, tomatoes, and other fruits may help to strengthen the veins so that the nose bleed less.