How To Stop Being Poor: Breaking The Cycle Of Poverty


We all know that the world is getting more expensive, and that if you're not careful, it can be hard to keep up. But what if I told you there's a way to stop being poor?

Well, it just happens that there is and we're going to show you how in this post.

The fact is, it's possible for anyone to escape the cycle of poverty once and for all. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Be aware of your surroundings and take action when necessary (don't let things slide).

2. Put yourself first by prioritizing your needs over those of others (don't give away what's yours).

3. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally by making sure your body gets enough sleep, food and water every day; avoid drugs or alcohol; exercise regularly; meditate whenever possible; etcetera. you get the idea!

4. Make sure you have enough money for food and shelter.

5. Make sure your bills are paid on time every month (or at least in advance).

7. Don't spend more than you earn, even if it feels good to splurge sometimes.

4. Think about what your money is going towards, and how much of it is going back into the community and supporting people who need help too (like yourself!).