How to prevent Diabetes

If we consume healthy foods it will help to reduce the risk of developing diabetes
Sweet food is cause of diabetes, to cure some bitter food, like fenugreek seeds, some herbs are also useful I don't know name of these in English but we say these Chirayta and paneer ke phool
A lot of people will said that consuming too much of sugar will lead to diabetes, although this might be true but that is not really a point of consideration because it is preventable, eating too much of carbohydrate can also lead to diabetes because carbohydrate will eventually be converted to sugar in the body.. and in this case there is no special way to prevent diabetes than to watch out for symptoms , some can be a hereditary and that is another important thing we need to consider.. we should try and avoid the consumption of processed food because it can also be a leading factors.
Consuming foods that are high in fiber is very good for the health as it will help to reduce the risk of developing some diseases in the body
Make sure to drink enough water daily so that it will keep the organs in the body to function properly and prevent them from certain diseases like that
Diabetes is a deadly disease that if not taken care of faster it can deteriorate and causes another diseases to the body
Yes you are right, kidney is important organ of our body and it is damaged if we have not control on diabetes. Once we have it, we have to spent whole life with it
Avoid too much of sugary soda as they can cause damage to the health that can lead to diabetes


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1. We can reduce the risk of having diabetes by eating food low in refined carbs or sugar intake
2. We can reduce diabetes involving ourself in daily exercise at least 30 minutes in a day and we should always do the exercise regularly
3. We should drink as our primary beverage instead of other beverages like drinks to reduce the risk of diabetes
4. Being obese can also cause diabetes so try to lose weight when over weight and for those that are not overweight should maintain their weight
5. Avoid smoking because it causes diabetes so by not smoking will reduce the risk of having diabetes
6. Consuming foods that are high in fiber also helps to reduce the risk of having diabetes
Diabetes is a deadly disease that if not taken care of faster it can deteriorate and causes another diseases to the body
1. We can reduce the risk of having diabetes by eating food low in refined carbs or sugar intake
2. We can reduce diabetes involving ourself in daily exercise at least 30 minutes in a day and we should always do the exercise regularly
3. We should drink as our primary beverage instead of other beverages like drinks to reduce the risk of diabetes
4. Being obese can also cause diabetes so try to lose weight when over weight and for those that are not overweight should maintain their weight
5. Avoid smoking because it causes diabetes so by not smoking will reduce the risk of having diabetes
6. Consuming foods that are high in fiber also helps to reduce the risk of having diabetes
Your tips are useful but in these test is priority of peoples than health. People are eating food which have not fiber or less fiber. For many peoples having one or two bottel of corbonated drink is must. They don't like butter milk coconut water and lime water. Refined sugar is slow poison, people know it but they are careless
Diabetes is a harmful disease or sickness that is harmful to the body and is caused when someone takes a lot of sugar.though it's not good for the body to have less sugar and it's not good for the body to have high instead of using sugar in your tea you use honey because it's natural.
Diabetes a very disease that can kill quickly if proper care is not taking. Any body that has diabetes need to stay away from anything that contain sugar and make sure that they stay away from drinking alcohol.
Diabetes can be control if one can yield to the introduction given by the Doctor.
Preventing diabetes is very easy as long as we follow those precautions and it can also help to reduce the risk of other diseases as well
Eating sugary things and being obese is the the most common ways of having diabetes but as far as we follow all the precautions we will be free from diabetes