How to earn up to $5 monthly

Finger Geek

Verified member
Do you know that you can easily earn up to $50 online just by posting? Yes you can earn that with just up to 3 hours daily. There are many forum websites that will pay you for your post. Truly it is not easy to post on forum and get paid. I was chatting with someone on WhatsApp and she was to teach me something, but she said that she will be sending videos to me because she is stressed out with her arm after tying in forum websites to earn money.

But instead of aiming big, we can aim little like $2 a day and stop posting for the day. Here on trendri, the maximum that can be earn for someone like me for just posting is $0.665 and we this we can work with other forum like two more and make it $2 in a day. On trendri, we can post for up to 1 hour and let say on the other forums, we are able to work for another 2 hours, that will make 3 hours. So with just 3 hours daily, we can earn $2 and $60 dollars monthly. If this is exchange to my currency, this is enough money to pay for all necessary bills and also have some savings.


VIP Contributor
Well , it is quite possible for people to make up to $60 on monthly basis if they have to concentrate online to post as you said . But however posting of content is not really easy because it involves a lot of brain works which in most cases you will always be exhausted before you reach your daily target .

If I am particularly interested to make up to $60 on monthly basis , the most important thing I will be concentrating to do is to learn a profitable skill which obviously is one of the things I am doing . Currently that will help me make up to that on monthly basis. I believe it is quite easier for people to make money online with a skill than people who are earning without a skill..

If I had the time I would have tried getting up to $2 on daily basis to see if I will be able to reach my target at the end of the month.