How to break imposter syndrome at work


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Having imposter syndrome at work is real. You would always second guess yourself that you are doing the right thing. You would always want to work so hard that you are not doing enough and this will end up burning you out.

This is not you being smart or showing your abilities at work but you over doing things out of fear which brings about imposter syndrome which you need to kill to exude only confidence which you should as a good worker.

So how do you deal with imposter syndrome at work.

Start by affirming that you are human that can only perform work required to the best of your abilities you don't have to over do it.

Go ahead to acknowledge your
inherent worth. Look inwards and appreciate your natural flairs that is peculiar to you.

Affirm yourself as a professional as you expertly carry out your duties at wotk

Persistently call out your achievements. it will give you the assurance that you are good at what you do at work.

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Imposter syndrome is a feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt that can arise in people who feel like they are not as competent as others perceive them to be. It can be a common feeling among employees, particularly those who are new to a job or who have recently been promoted. If you are experiencing imposter syndrome at work, there are a few things you can try to help you overcome these feelings:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings: It's important to recognize that imposter syndrome is a common feeling and that it does not reflect your actual abilities or worth as an employee.
  2. Seek support: Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor about your feelings. They can provide a fresh perspective and help you to see your strengths and accomplishments more clearly.
  3. Set realistic goals: Don't set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.
  4. Practice self-care: Make sure to take care of yourself outside of work. Engaging in activities you enjoy and taking breaks when needed can help you to feel more balanced and confident in your abilities.
  5. Focus on your strengths: Rather than dwelling on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths and the value you bring to your job.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes and has areas where they can improve. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back from reaching your full potential at work.