How not to allow job loss define you


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Job loss is a devastating period where one can go through a period of panic attacks and depression. But this shouldn't be since you are still progressing with life

The truth is that we need to see a job loss as a setback that we can still progress as such it shouldnt define one and make one lose focus

We can all agree that it just not words of the mouth but it is workable thing for everyone. it is not a walk in the park but you can pull through with these tips

Build resilience :

This is the first thing you can do, you should be able to build resilience and know that you are not a failure and you can pick up from wherever you had stopped.

Prep yourself

Tell your self the fact which is that you are not defined by your job nor your organisation's decision to fire you . Look at how far you have come in your career and know you didn't come this far to stop on the way

Recharge your purpose

This is the most you should do and it is the practical thing to do. you did to focus on professional goals and make the best of it by job hunting again.


Valued Contributor
Losing a job can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. It's natural to feel a sense of loss and uncertainty about the future. However, it's important not to allow job loss to define you. Remember that you are more than your job and that your worth is not determined by your employment status. Consider the opportunities that a job loss brings rather than dwelling on the drawbacks. Utilize this opportunity to think about your professional goals and potential new directions for learning and development. To assist you in moving forward, make use of tools like networking opportunities, employment training programs, and career counseling services. Keep in mind that losing your work is only a temporary setback, and that you can overcome it by being persistent and resilient.