How much Water should you Drink in the Hot Climate?


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Our body is seventy percent water. It is not surprising that when the heat outside is over thirty degrees, we literally boil. Dehydration is a serious problem, it leads to loss of concentration, dizziness, dangerous thrombosis and vascular crises.

Therefore, you cannot do without drinking more water in the heat. Doctors agree that fluid loss is best compensated for with water. But it turns out that not all water is equally useful. What to prefer, ordinary drinking water or mineral water?

The requirement of water for an adult without excess weight and health problems is about 2 litters per day. With sweat, a person loses about 0.5 litters of water, with urine - 1.5 litters, in total, 2 litters are lost, which must be compensated.
I think drinking in a hot/ sunny climate is not advisable medically because ethanol naturally generates heat from inside when taken so specifically is meant for cold climate to regulate the body temperature
Water is very essential to our body. Though our bodies through homeostasis regulates itself to make sure that during the hot weather, there is still tendency for us to be drinking water more than the general intake on a normal weather. This means, except one is overdoing it, the body will regulate the amount of water to be taken on any weather.
I live in a place where the temperature is usually over 35 degree celsius in hot climate and I drink at least 12 glasses of water daily , or even 15 glasses sometimes when I go out and work under hot sun. It is recommended to drink more water in hot conditions to avoid any kidney related diseases.
Most times over here there are some days that the weather is always so hot and during these times there is always much urge to take in more water than a cold day. I believe you should only be able to take water based on how your body is responding to the climate changes, I think this should be whenever you are thirsty
We should try to always drink a lot of water during the hot climates because hot climates causes dehydration due to the sweat pres so we should always try to have water with us at all times like drinking like 1 cup of water every twenty minutes
Thanks for this good explanation.Water is very good in the body especially during the heat period as you have said. Early in the mourning it's very good to be taking water even before any thing.
Drinking of water is very inportant bexause it helps to get ride of waste product outvof the body .
Scientists and health experts have already said that one get easily dehydrated during warm weather and sunny days, hence the body loses a great deal of water. Therefore, one should take in water regularly to make up for the one leaving the body. That is how to stay hydrated in hot weather.